Indoor My First Entry Into The Dragon Weyrs

I know, I know, I've been absent a piece, but I will try to get everything caught up here and now.

Ramoth is 54 days old today. She is definitely on the finish trail. But I am going to let her run as long as I can stand it. I need at least 2 1/2 weeks more to give the seeds time to ripen. It looks like all 4 buds that got dusted took and I should have a dozen seeds or more for future use. She looks great, and already has some sticky little buds going. The smell is like muted diesel and fresh dirt. Isn't that an odd combination? Ramoth has only reached up to 23.5" in height and looks to be done with upward growth. This truly has been a grow on Auto Pilot so far.

Faranth is somewhere right around the 40 --45 day mark. (I'll figure it out later). Faranth is the grower here, having gained 7.5" in the last 6 days (she really seems to have responded and taken off with the addition of the new 60x5 mars hydro led). Faranth is now 28.5" tall so I am really hoping for 30+ inches out of this one.

Male #2 is still outside and doing well, He should start dropping pollen any day now and I will hit some buds on Faranth as soon as he does.

Little ET Dragon #4 is still just chilling in the tent and we are hoping that it will sex female. so just waiting.

All plant are receiving this base nutrient solution in one strength or another. 1 gal bubbled rain water, 12ml BioThrive Grow, 6--6.5ml of CaMg+, 6ml BioWeed, 6ml Bio Marine. and then all ph'd to 6.5. Ramoth gets the same base nutrients but swap Bio Thrive Bloom for grow and add 5ml Bio Bud.

Pics are of Ramoth only this week, sorry.

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As I started to mention above, these truly are like growing on auto pilot. I have mentioned the ease with which these ET's germinate. Every bean I have dropped into rockwool cubes have germinated and sprouted. They grow virtually by themselves. I have provided dirt, water, nutes and light and these plants are just growing along. Nice Christmas tree shape, low odor (so far) and no surprises. I just go check on pot weight each morning and make sure the lites are still on and the plants just grow themselves. You gotta try the auto auto's.
Looking mighty fine man. if you dusted 4 buds. Im pretty sure you going to be surprised at how many seed you actually get. I dusted just 2 bud clusters, and got 30 viable seeds. :pass: cheers!
Oh no. that's more than fine. It is interesting to see the developmental differences between pollinated buds and sinsemilla buds. Beyond the obvious difference of the appearance of the seed pods swelling and getting that classic teardrop shape. I have also noted that the pistils on the pollinated buds are staying white longer and the seeded buds are not producing pistils in the quantities that non seeded buds are. So it is fun seeing new things. The seed count from Ramoth will have to do as I have decided not to mess with Faranth and will not be pollinating any buds on her. Of the 2 ET Dragons currently flowering, I obviously have 2 phenos. Ramoth is shorter and more bushy as the photos show and is only 24" tall and does not appear to be adding height at any measurable rate.

Faranth on the other hand has been adding height daily and is 29.5" this morning. She is still adding about 1/2--3/4 of an inch daily. She is a skinny thing though. Gaining in height and not mass. But that just means that I may have to tie up some of the buds later to help the plant with weight issues. I will post some pics of Faranth later today to give you a sense of her structure. I think I will tier Faranth into a larger pot to give her some added room to stretch as well, she is in the smallest pot in the tent and is the tallest plant. I just need the rain to quit so I can make up some more soil, it's been raining for days now and should go a couple more. Such is life.
looking great Tag. we've been suffering with the rain from Tropical Storm Bill here in the Midwest too.hopefully the end is in sight. the rain that is.
Yep "Bill" was the cause of our issues as well. I went up to my favorite lake this weekend for a fishing tournament and the lake is up 10 feet, The actual boat launch ramps are under water, we launched from the parking lot. But even with the surplus we'll probably be back in drought conditions by august.

Day 60 for Ramoth, winding down her time outside of my vaporiser. She looks good still, some discoloration of leaves and crunchy leaf tips,(been hitting the nutes hard). Ramoth is definitely the short chubby pheno, short but not so chubby. She is also still putting out some white pistils so I am not yet worried about harvest. The 4 buds which were pollinized look good, fat little teardrop shaped nuggets of seedy goodness. Once these are ready to be harvested, down she comes. I'm still hoping for a couple more weeks yet. I will start checking trichs for cloudiness, and will let this one run as long and as cloudy?amber as she wants. My wife has really come to enjoy the sleep benefits so a good knockout would be good for her.

Faranth is definitely the tall lanky pheno and has surpassed the 30 inch mark. She looks great as well. Tall, covered in beautiful white pistils in abundance all over the buds. I will have to redo the tent setup today to acomodate the height of Faranth and allow for better light coverage for all 7 plants in the tent.

I will post pics of both Dragons in a separate post.

The 3rd baby ET is like stuck at 4 or 5 inches in height and is not progressing. It appears to be beginning to flower, with little white pistols in the very center but no upward growth, It looks like a 14 day old seedling that never made it further. Odd but I will keep it around to see what happens.

Feedings are continuing as planned. Ramoth is receiving full strength blooming nutes at a rate of 750ml to 1L every 2 or 3 days. Her current load is 6ml Biothrive Grow, 6ml CaMg+, 2ml Bio Bud, 4ml Liquid Fish fert. ( I replaced the Bio Marine which smells horrendous with a different liquid fish fert, same one I use on my hibiscus and it smells about 1/4 as bad as the Bio Marine). This all goes into bubbled rain water and then gets ph'd to between 6 and 6.5 before going into the pot. TDS usually right around 800.

Pics are coming, just waiting until I clear the tent to rearrange and will get pics of everyone then.
To me the smell is a cross between diesel and fresh healthy dirt. I have tried to keep from disturbing Ramoth and have kept my handling to a minimum. But the buds are sticky and looking great. Still popping some white pistils and my seeded buds are still just maturing along. Faranth (the taller of the 2) is starting to shift to brownish orange on the lower buds and appears to have halted upward growth so both plants are on bloom nutes.
Allrighty, Its that day again. I really can not sing the praises of these ETs enough. Ramoth is at day 65 and I have had to stake the main stem. The buds are getting fuller and have added weight and the poor girl was starting to droop. I have pushed her and all her leaf tips have a touch of nute burn, but she has kept right on doing her thing. I have provided water, ferts and light and that's it. No thinking or worrying about what is happening now. In fact, all the plants I currently have growing have been trouble free so far. Faranth is now at 60 days and her pistils have begun the shift to orange. She topped out at 31" and is putting on thickness in the buds now. another auto on autopilot.

I also snatched a bud off the bottom of Ramoth last nite late because the wife was having trouble getting to sleep. She really has come to depend on the sleep benefits of bud. I did a quick microwave dry and we vaped it at about 12:30am. I got a fantastic buzz and we were in bed by 1:30. Neither of us woke up at all and we slept till almost ten this morning. My wife woke up and was really surprised and thankfull. This was the first nite she has slept without interruption since being diagnosed with cancer. Priceless.

Thank You GA6.

And now for some pics:

Ramoth Day 65 nearing the end.
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Faranth Day 60 31" putting on size.
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