Photoperiod Monster mass by critical mass collective

Hey guys, just too keep this thread active, the girls are still begging and they're very big now. Due to the grow in my bloom tent taking ages too finish, me going away for a few days next week, and me working a lot overtime it's going too be another three weeks before the bloom tent is chopped and these girls are put In there. I'll update the thread as and when it appropriate until then
Hi guys. The girls are now enormous! Like, super enormous. The veg TIME has been way too long for this strain, I can tell already. The girls will be going into the bloom tent this weekend. I'll upload a photo when they've been moved and placed under a SCROG
Hey guys. They're finally into the bloom tent. They all went on Saturday evening. I've placed them under the SCROG as you can see in the pics and I'm just waiting for the smallest girls too reach the screen as I could place it any lower due too the biggest ones. These are just a couple of quick pics I got this morning. I'll be training the plants daily from here on out and updating the thread a lot more often.

very nice almost total coverage before the net :thumbsup:super healthy looking to.

Cheers man. I agree they are looking healthy. My only concern is the one that I re - vegged has gone all mutant looking. Really skinny branching and loads of them too. They'll bounce back too normal tho
A slight accident occurred yesterday. I was pulling down the branches on the biggest girl and split her stem. The cut isn't that big and she's looking fine today. I'll have too keep an eye on it though as I don't the cut getting infected so too speak haha. I've also uploaded a pic of the mutant re veg plant. She looks fucking ugly!

Just finished My daily tucking of the branches under the net. The growth on these girls is insane. Every morning there's about 20 minutes of work pushing the heads back under, with every other strain I've grown it's usually takes me no longer than 5 minutes! The little split in the stem hasn't bothered the biggest girl.

Just too add, these ladies are some of the thirstiest motherfuckers I've ever grown. They've been taking 50 litres from the autopot reservoir in three days! Usuallu with the other strains I've grown it'll take them around a week too drink that at this stage of growth!