Photoperiod Monster mass by critical mass collective

It's one of the little things that was passed on to me. Hopefully the plants will respond quickly!

I couldn't find enough cardboard too put under the trays so I've upturned some empty pots, put the trays on top of them and the plants inside the tray. They're a good 10-15cm off the floor now. Fingers crossed they'll respond. I'll be gutted if I got start the whole thing again though.
Anything that's not going to leech heat from them will help! Even an old blanket or towels. Feel the ground with your hand, you will know. I'm thinking what you did will make a huge difference
Oops. Do I kill one or let them live in symbiosis?

Hey guys. It's been slow here lately, blame the cold weather that we've been experiencing for that.

All plants are now growing very nicely. The Ones that survived the cold snap have bounced back and Are growing nicely. The new ones I've planted have shot up like little rockets and they're on their ways too the stars! It was a dangerous first month for the this grow but things are now looking up. I'll be re-potting the original seedlings into the autopots in roughly a weeks a time and I'll upload some more pics then.

PS. I separated the seedlings from the previous post and the lucky beggars now live in a pot each.
Most of the ladies have been transplanted into their final pots. All are looking healthy and I've got a good feeling about this grow now. My only concern is that I think I may be begging them for too long. When it comes too the flip the older ones will be around 16 weeks from seed and the younger ones will be around 14. Plus, on a side note. A pineapple chunk died in my bloom tent so I replaced it with the biggest monster mass. At least from doing this ill a rough idea on how much she stretches which will help a lot when the others get flipped too 12/12
Little update too the grow. The one ladie I put into the bloom I had too take back out and re-veg her. The reason for this is because there was simply no point in growing as the stretch on the pineapple chunk I had in there is insane. She would have become strangled by those so back into the veg tent she's gone. Plus all should be fine as she was only put under 12/12 for ten days and she hadn't even started too bud yet, but at least she's shown her sex.

I've attached some some pics of the all monster mass back in the veg tent. They all seem too be looking good. I've also attached some pics of my bloom tent too show how far the stretch had gone and how pointless it would have been too leave her in there.

The little gap in the SCROG net in the last picture is the little bit of space left that the MM had too grow through.

Much love




Hey guys, how's it going? The girls are going really well, looking really good. Apologies for not posting much but there's very little report too with a vegging plant. The action kicks in when they bloom!

As you can see I've got some monsters on my hands I'm definitely gonna struggle too control them when 12/12 is initiated but I'll cross that bridge when I come too, which will be in around four weeks time. So yeah, it's been a super long veg on this one.

So, enjoy the pic and I'll upload more soon!
