Photoperiod Monster mass by critical mass collective

Day 41 (of bloom)

I've defoliated some of the girls and changed the nutrients in the tank. Not much has changed and it is now a safe bet too say that these won't be done in the time frame the breeder claims. There'll be another two weeks left on these at the very LEAST. With a good long flush I can see these taking three weeks IMO. Oh well, lets see if they yield as much as they're supposed then? But, I really doubt they will. I can see me getting around 12-15 oz on this. And that's a really low yield for me.

Hope I'm proven wrong.

I definitely see a big difference over the last few days. You really think you're going to make out at 15oz?
Day 43 (of bloom)

Some of the branches are starting too give way under the weight of the buds so they've had too be propped up with fencing wire. Some buds are starting too feel hard while other are quite airy.
One of the aqua valves on one of the plants became blocked and I didn't realise this until last night. I've cleaned out the valve and feed is dripping back into her tray but most, if not all the leaves on her have died. Hopefully she will bounce back and keep the buds alive but if not I'll chop her down early. The others on the other hand look quite good. I've decided too run the feed for all of next week and flush the week after.

We're nearly there guys and gals!



Day 44 (of bloom)

The plant that dried out didn't bounce back. The shock of not having a drink must have stunted her roots and she wouldn't take on any more feed. Essentially she died. Not too worry tho. I cut her down, the stems and the buds were all bone dry. I've put her on the drying rack for now and I'll trim her up tomorrow. The trichomes are all cloudy, which is what I personally aim for, but the size and appearance of the buds aren't very appealing.

Some more buds have had too be held up with wire. This is more because the stems are really thin than the buds being really fat. Still, whats left looks quite good; a lot better than last week and the calyxes are still long and white on most so there's room for growth.

I'll apologise for the quality of pics on this thread too. They don't do the plants no justice.

Until next time ............
Day 45 (of bloom)

I trimmed the plant up and there's just over 2 ounces on it. Just checked on the girls today and ANOTHER girl has wilted due to a pipe blocking. I'll be replacing the pipe on the next run. I'm too blame for this tho, the filter on the pipe got damaged just before this grow started and it wouldn't seal in water so I just continued without the filter. Lesson learnt on this one. Still, I hope this one bounces back. There's still a little weight she can gain.

On a side note I got some close up pics of some bud sites.

Day 46 (of bloom)

The plants have died and I can tell there beyond salvation. It's all down too blocked pipes on the autopot system. Thankfully tho she was close too finishing so a lot of the bud can be salvaged albeit it looks very unappealing. I'll be trimming her down in the coming days and I should have a dry weight and smoke report on her by the end of the week. The plants are so dry right now from the lack of water that the bud is practically like sand already. They'll be dry real soon.

Until then........
Sure hate that you had problems but at least they were close to finished. Might not be pretty but they will smoke.