I have done this several times. with little to no effect. thats not to say stuff cant happen easily. its all in the prep imho. sticking them inside is fine just prep them and spray and treat them if applicable. at the very least I like to get all the bugs off from a systemic system and a spray if early enough. or if there is medium to heavy signs of pest damage you may want to treat a little harder. but usually doesnt give me any problems minus any rouge pollen and the like. but your biggest thing is gonna be typically transferring of mildews,bugs and any fungi present.
After seeing the pics of the two or so plants they look nice man. but I would treat them with a systemic and a nice feed prior to them coming in then maybe a MILD kelp spray to knock off any on the surface bugs with a little spinosad or similar too. a nice mix and a soil drench or two will prep them for pests and the like but they look like minimal damage so your probably gonna be good with fair prep. hell I ve done SNS-209 two or three times in prep for a week prior or 1.5 weeks and thats all with no issues. but the larger they are,the more stuff theyll potentially have. food for thought bro! happy harvesting