New Grower Micro grow Boxing.

@Qbgrower I feel you Have become my official mentor :bighug:

I have tweaked the extraction dow a little today, I anticipate with great hope I can hit close to 50%, things are more stable Now.

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I'm not sure I'm experienced enough to be considered a Mentor but I'll help you out as much as I can. :biggrin:

It's what happened when I joined AFN and the reason I've stayed.

Can't wait to see your nicely dried buds in a few days and what you think of your own homegrown.

@blue Thanks for the rep!

This is what this forum is all about and what makes it different from any other cannabis growing forum I've been on.

@Qbgrower Friday Update :joy:

Things are definitely happening, but I have yet to take a peek. yes I managed not to look yet.
So we are day 4 today and I’m intending to go 7 days minimum on the dry all being well Longer if possible.
The stages I have experienced Qb are the first three days the plants were smelling strong by that I mean they smelled fantastic throughout the grow, but my extraction managed the aroma well, first three days I could smell the drying plants outside the growing box Fantastic strong medicating aroma. Potent!
I just checked now on the grow box and the smell has settled down nicely and again the box is controlling the odour. I’m at 34% humidity today @ a temperature of 21c if I remove the passive fan I would imagine humidity is around 45%.
So have switched off the passive fan and light today to allow for a cooler environment and slower dry for the next three days Now humidity has dropped.

fingers crossed.

@Qbgrower Friday Update :joy:

Things are definitely happening, but I have yet to take a peek. yes I managed not to look yet.
So we are day 4 today and I’m intending to go 7 days minimum on the dry all being well Longer if possible.
The stages I have experienced Qb are the first three days the plants were smelling strong by that I mean they smelled fantastic throughout the grow, but my extraction managed the aroma well, first three days I could smell the drying plants outside the growing box Fantastic strong medicating aroma. Potent!
I just checked now on the grow box and the smell has settled down nicely and again the box is controlling the odour. I’m at 34% humidity today @ a temperature of 21c if I remove the passive fan I would imagine humidity is around 45%.
So have switched off the passive fan and light today to allow for a cooler environment and slower dry for the next three days Now humidity has dropped.

fingers crossed.

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Well done for not opening the bags!

Get one of the bags opened now, see how they feel. If their nice and crispy on the outside fire it in a grove bag with a hygrometer and see what it reads after a few hours. I'm just a bit wary that the humidity in the box is a bit low and I don't want you to lose the terps from over drying.

This is a little sample I tested tonight, it’s the little Bud that I snapped off just before harvesting, I vaped her up in the Mighty and Boom! Wow, man she is tasty, this is a Hindu Kush sample but right now I’m on a white fluffy cloud.:cool1:
Very nice mate. Great work. Now to enjoy the fruits of your labour.

Ok Team AFN @Qbgrower, here is the Rhino Ryder:thumbsup:Shes has a fantastic nose. Dang I’m going to look forward to relaxing and enjoying this Medication. She has not only retained her aroma but it’s been deliciously magnified.
I will add a vape report once I get time to let her relax a little More And cure.
Thank you @Qbgrower for your generous advice.

She weight in dry @40g on the button, also another two plants to process, so I really am excited to see the grams per watt the grow box can achieve from an average of 60w throughout the grow.

Looks like you may have hit the dry on the nose.

You've done all the hard work! Glad to help out as much as I can.

Will you be having a little taste tonight??

@blue Thank you for the generous points Blue, they are received with great thanks and blessings sent to yourself. So fantastic to see support from an (AFN) forum moderator for new growers here :thumbsup:very much appreciated Indeed.

@Qbgrower I have been siping away on my Mighty at 360, the Hindu Kush Ryder is incredible, smooth and sweet. I increased the temperature to 380 last night and it blew my socks off. Lol! :dizzy:took me back to the 90s then it took me to bed, giggling away to myself.

I have just finished processing everything, so can upload a few photos, I managed to hit a total of 80g from my three plants in my little box. As I averaged 60w of light usage throughout the grow and pulled out 80g dry weight then I calculated a total of something like 1.5g per Watts used. Possibly?
But I’m terribly bad at maths so is anyone can properly calculate this for me I would love to know the results, I can provide any additional information that may be needed.

Group photo.


Some nice looking buds.


A classic clipper comparison.

A quick clean up with dry trimming Of sugar leaf.


little bit of medium grade dry Keif.

Thanks to anyone who dropped in for the Grow Journal past or present, apologies I am missing much of the initial grow due to loosing my login details.
Thankfully (AFN) team were able to get me a new account running but as mentioned I lost much of this documented grow Through the early stages.

@St. Tom @blue @Waira @Mañ'O'Green Thanks for your assistance.
@Qbgrower a special thanks to you Qb :bighug: