New Grower Micro grow Boxing.

Morning Gromies.🌿
fine morning so twas time for a little training/cutting back, 24 Carat appears to be coping well with heavy training, today i continued working with 24 Carat and Sawney Bean SL.
Slaughtered Lamb had her first training although honestly very little was needed, she is short and compact just the way I need her to be.
both plants are girls, so I’m just waiting on the FastbBuds to give Me a hint of gender, she is visibly stressed from the STS but I’m hopeful for reversal of gender. Just for kicks.✌️

All plants were a little thirsty but thankfully the Carrots keep a minimal watering source available.

SL @3weeks 1 days up first with a little anchor pin followed by top bend that I will slowly restrict.






Next up we have the 24 Carat@4weeks 4 days, poor thing had a really hard 2nd cutback today.


Lastly but by no means the least we have the FastBuds.


That’s all Folks ☮️🔥🌿
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Thanks Man fine morning here, I was planning on giving the girls till Friday to recover then adding a small amount of organic bloom. What do you say Man? Recovery time needed or hit them while they recover?
I normally let them recover for a day then back to normal. I would say it's a little early for bloom nutes. :thumbsup:
Wow 15 days since my last post, sorry I’m behind and have been struggling with some pain. I also messed up a little.

Everything was ticking along nicely, then I overwatered a little and started to see some drooping. However, I had introduced a small amount of organic feed and my plants completely rejected it. I’m guessing this was because I already had some slow release fertiliser, mixed in soil.
Fast forward 15 days and I think I have saved the plants.
I have re-potted into a couple of small fabric pots introduce some fresh organic, compost flushed and introduced slowly, some water. One of the most important things I think I added was some clay pebbles to the bottom inch of the pots to really get some air and drainage introduced.
Onwards and upwards. Let’s hope I can still turn this around. I’m rooting for myself and plants.
Thanks for stopping By.
Oh thanks for being patient AFN Gromies, Sorry for my lack of activity on this group it has been a real challenge to forgive my mistake. and with nearly killing my plants I could not face posting the images of the wilted scarecrow I created 😭

Okay so first up here is a photo of the fastbuds reverse attempt, the plant looks very healthy as did all my plants this is the only plant I didn’t feed on top of the slow release fertiliser.
This is how I know what caused the damage two both my other plants.

But today I am the O and the K with a new education, I am grateful for this.

It’s time to remove the potential Male. Unfortunately my attempt to reverse has failed and I have managed to produce a sexless plant. genius 😎

Next up is the recovering plants. Thankfully they are recovering and new leaves have started to pick up, colour is starting to return to the leaves. Unfortunately the damage is permanent But plants are continuing to flower despite a two week setback.

Fastbuds Failed Reversal.


Slaughtered Lamb, this plant has incredible genetics @ 5w 4days.


Below Is 24 Carat’s from Mephisto. @7weeks on the day.


Finally a group shot.

Photo Dump, Recovered Plants.
A Good afternoon AFN Gromies! and a happy Sunny Friday.✌️

Well difficult couple of weeks recovering these plant’s and I’m no fan of failure😞, but believe they are finally settle down.
Seeing a good regeneration of root growth now, the plants seem to be happy, albeit still small amount of damage all the leaves from the newt burn and stress, probably held back growth a couple of weeks.

Okay so onward and upward. increased the power output for the box to up to 50W. Up from 40W! I’m spoiling them rotten 😂 I feel content knowing I’m running the equivalent of a bedside lamp🌿

50w is total box draw now, so I should be guessing the lighting is running about 45W with 5W being utilised for fans of extraction, thankfully there is no need for heating as the boxes insulated and holds temperature. An additional PC fan added, I’m really not down for encouraging mold at this stage And wish to maximise air flow in such a confined environments.

i’ve learnt a few things, I’m definitely seeing a benefit for using play pebbles in the base of my pots with my style of compact low wattage growing. The roots are just not comparable to without pebbles, it’s been 10days since I needed to repot and the roots are already bursting out like healthy little homies 😎

Roots and Power consumption.


Slaughtered Lamb. @6w4d


Mephisto 24Carats.@8wks.

