Mephisto Genetics Mephisto, Amare se-450's & Big Sm0

It's killing me. I sit here for an hour or two at a time wondering if they will continue to grow. They always do but you never know.
Haha. Smo, you are a funny dude. I swear, if you look back on your other HBSS grow, you were the same way. Impatient af. You know it's coming but you keep second guessing.
I'm not gonna lie man, I do the exact same thing. A watched pot never boils buddy
Poking through the screen. 7 more days before I change up to flower nitrients
Optic foliar seems to turn plants around fairly quickly too. I don't see any advantage to using it the whole grow like they say but deficiencies seem to go away quick.
Concur, I didn't see any advantages either and have only been using it on plants with deficiencies.
I have really been considering doing something like this. It does suck adding pouring in the calmag each feed. I'm really uneducated in anything besides bottle nutrients.
I'm trying dolomite lime for the first time with HHBS's and Skywalkers, plants are around three weeks old so far so good. It would be nice if I dont have to use liquid cal/mag....
dolomite contains
Ca 30.4%
Mg 21.7%​
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Does anyone have a recipe for both in soil?

?tsp per gallon of dolomite lime
?tsp per gallon of epsom salt

I mix up 20-25 gallons of water every other day. Might need a dump truck worth
I used a heaping teaspoon of lime per gallon of soil.