New Grower Medimadness’ rotating garden of lunacy.

Trust man both of those seem so nice. Honestly ri

I've always known that most of what cannabis does in terms of pain relief was more a treatment of the psychological ramifications of pain as opposed to opiates which treat the physical symptoms to a degree whilst in my opinion simply worsening pain in the long run since they cause so much damage to the psyche speaking from experience, they're as likely to reduce your resilience to pain as they are to get rid for a bit.

I kinda think it's like because the weed makes you more aware of the body and what you can and can't do without that damn reptilian brain response kicking in and heightening it through depression or and anxiety symptoms.
Like CBD is great for mild pain, and seems a powerful healthier equivalent to paracetamol but a full profile strain like Dr Feelgood just seems to negate all that ails you, albeit if only at nighttime.

I would definitely recommend for your fibro dude, the half life effect lasts far longer than the high especially when ingested and a cup of ganja milk tea is great the night before whatever mission may be on the agenda the next day, without needing to reside for a while.

P.s. I reckon the fruit cake is something killer. A full hybridisation with a ruderalis kick with a fruit ting is hard to find lol
Hmmm, the Dr Feelgood certainly sounds like it ticks a lot of boxes.
I agree about the pain relief in some ways. It was only when I started growing my own that I realised how effective it can be for physical pain too. I'd always thought it was more a psychological relief to a physical problem but my first attempt with some old skool Afghan and Pakistani genetics showed me otherwise. I don't fully understand how terpenes work, but anything with clear, high amounts of pinene in it seems to work well. Strawberry Nuggets has it by the truckload and it has a similar effect.
CBD obviously plays a role in this although I don't really look for high CBD strains as I just use oil for the most part. Personally I believe it's a good idea to have some in your system if you're smoking everyday anyway, regardless of pain.

Ganga milk tea? Sounds like the perfect nightcap!
tent looking great :smokeit:been looking at biobizz website,they say pull the roots out and its ready to go again.i had been recycling my cupboard soil to the garden,but lots of perlite in the garden dont look good,so gonna have a go at re using it.
lost plenty of skin over the years.riding a cannondale trial 3 29er single speed with fat slicks,fantastic at the urban stuff:smoking:
Bhang a cannabis milk drink from india can be sweet or savory,as old as time but i never heard of it till a year or so ago :coffee: keep using that @ button :thumbsup: im :coffee2: at keeping up.

keep er lit
tent looking great :smokeit:been looking at biobizz website,they say pull the roots out and its ready to go again.i had been recycling my cupboard soil to the garden,but lots of perlite in the garden dont look good,so gonna have a go at re using it.
lost plenty of skin over the years.riding a cannondale trial 3 29er single speed with fat slicks,fantastic at the urban stuff:smoking:
Bhang a cannabis milk drink from india can be sweet or savory,as old as time but i never heard of it till a year or so ago :coffee: keep using that @ button :thumbsup: im :coffee2: at keeping up.

keep er lit
A fellow MTBer, i had no idea.. Nothing like a joint and a ride :headbang:
Keep doing your thing, Medi! Plants are looking great. Growing itself is therapeutic!

Totally man, I was a junior stockbroker by 19 and now going to be finishing my first year of horticulture course because working with something that reaps a far more tangible reward than money is therapeutic in itself and the only lifestyle I aspire to these days.

Cheers for the encouragement as always! :pass::d5:
Evening all,

I thought its about time I give a proper update on my garden, and I've probably said this a hundred times already but this early spring has got me BUSY in the garden and allotment for my legals.

First we have my lovely Northern Lights Auto at day 53 in soil and doing fantastically. Lots of frost and even more budsites, and one strong cola. Last time she had the densest nugs by day 68 but due to being triple the size she may run a little longer but if things keep on like this it won't be too long.

Next the two Battle plants, Seedstockers Candy Dawg Auto and Nicole Cream Auto at day 63. Both smell fantastic and but the Candy Dawg takes the cake in all regard

Then the Short Stuff Auto Pink Grapefruit at an unknown age but around 14 days give or take. Doing well since transplant.

And the two Amnesia Haze Auto seedlings, one at about 9 days and the other at 5.

Also my organic tobacco doing well at the boytom!
Now prepping a 26L plastic pot for one of the amnesia

Anyway peace out AFN, is hard to keep up with all these plants!
Hmmm, the Dr Feelgood certainly sounds like it ticks a lot of boxes.
I agree about the pain relief in some ways. It was only when I started growing my own that I realised how effective it can be for physical pain too. I'd always thought it was more a psychological relief to a physical problem but my first attempt with some old skool Afghan and Pakistani genetics showed me otherwise. I don't fully understand how terpenes work, but anything with clear, high amounts of pinene in it seems to work well. Strawberry Nuggets has it by the truckload and it has a similar effect.
CBD obviously plays a role in this although I don't really look for high CBD strains as I just use oil for the most part. Personally I believe it's a good idea to have some in your system if you're smoking everyday anyway, regardless of pain.

Ganga milk tea? Sounds like the perfect nightcap!

I kinda more meant in the fact that all pain, including response to direct trauma, is largely a psychological event. For example few drugs target the physical source of pain, but instead target where the pain is truly felt i.e. in the CNS/brain.

My point .wing is that I've tried copious amounts of strong opiates including morphine and fentanyl in hospital and theyre great to a degree in that they stop those signals being sent.

Cannabis on the other hand has only minimal action on any of the nerve system that controls pain especially in comparison to opiates and yet has been shown to allow people to better deal with their pain without actually stopping the physical signal.

Basicallyy point being is that cannabis better treats physical pain as a result of the way it affects the mind and that's what makes it so useful, and with opiates the opposite is true as you forget how to deal with your own pain.

Btw pinene will normally give relief from inflammation, do you suffer with swollen joints and stuff?

If so, you get huge sources of pinene from basil and blood orange peel which you can make into a topical or edible essential oil that is a cheaper treatment than trying to ingest enough pinene from cannabis. You'll never get enough by smoking it as most of it is destroyed for example but make that same weed into a tincture it will do the same as the basil orange oil except get you baked as hell too haha

I'm big into my aroma therapy these days too, and a great morning hit is a basil and orange mist after a nice big hit of white widow in the pax. It's like a pinene strain but times it by 10:pass:
lovely update Medi :pass:

Northern Lights is one perky lady, love the look of her!
Battle girls coming on well, excited to see the buds both those strains produce and see if the chem' remains strong! :bighug:
I kinda more meant in the fact that all pain, including response to direct trauma, is largely a psychological event. For example few drugs target the physical source of pain, but instead target where the pain is truly felt i.e. in the CNS/brain.

My point .wing is that I've tried copious amounts of strong opiates including morphine and fentanyl in hospital and theyre great to a degree in that they stop those signals being sent.

Cannabis on the other hand has only minimal action on any of the nerve system that controls pain especially in comparison to opiates and yet has been shown to allow people to better deal with their pain without actually stopping the physical signal.

Basicallyy point being is that cannabis better treats physical pain as a result of the way it affects the mind and that's what makes it so useful, and with opiates the opposite is true as you forget how to deal with your own pain.

Btw pinene will normally give relief from inflammation, do you suffer with swollen joints and stuff?

If so, you get huge sources of pinene from basil and blood orange peel which you can make into a topical or edible essential oil that is a cheaper treatment than trying to ingest enough pinene from cannabis. You'll never get enough by smoking it as most of it is destroyed for example but make that same weed into a tincture it will do the same as the basil orange oil except get you baked as hell too haha

I'm big into my aroma therapy these days too, and a great morning hit is a basil and orange mist after a nice big hit of white widow in the pax. It's like a pinene strain but times it by 10:pass:
Yes, I totally agree regarding the effect on pain. It's more of relief on dwelling on the pain than it is the actual pain per-say. That said, some of the heavy indicas do seem to knock pain out in what feels like something near to what opiates can offer. Of course this could all be in my head.

I also think this has a similar effect with depression and anxiety. Cannabis offers something that no other medicine does, in that it teaches you to deal with these things rather than just pushing them away.

Basically the exact opposite of opiates, which as you quite rightly say, lessen out ability to deal with physical or indeed emotional pain. I have a lot of experience with opiates too and thankfully that's behind me although I can appreciate there are very valid medical applications.

I have a lot of swelling around my spine and ribcage where the majority of the pain will stem from. I always know that when I start to feel it badly in my chest and ribs it'll be a rough few days. It's like the most unwanted hug you've ever had.
Before cannabis that made me flip out and not be able to sleep for days which of course made everything worse. Since rediscovering cannabis, I don't have those issues. That alone is an absolute god send.

I'd not really considered finding terpenes in other places although it makes perfect sense. A little orange and basil spritz sounds pretty nice tbh! I'm sure my GF would appreciate some bottles of that knocking about as well. I'm always game for some experiments in the kitchen so I'll give it go. Pro tip!

Ps. the plants look amazing! You're gonna be sitting on some serious weight in a few weeks by the looks of it.
Afternoon AFN,

Time to do a full update now that I have my tablet fixed, so I should be around a little more often again.

Lots of action on the tent, with further refinement of my tents organisation and the way i use the space.


First off I'll show you all the current vegging girls:

The two Seedstocker Auto Amnesia Haze on the left, the one in the plastic pot is about 8-12 days old and thw fabric is around 18 days old i think and on the right is Short Stuff Seeds Auto Pink Grapefruit but as i have no charts for them (not realy found the charts work for me since I feel my tactile intuition is better than my general knowledge of how to feed right now).

And we have my current girl nearing completion with lots of big buds bearing enough amber and orange hairs to now start watcing daily. My second grow of Dope Seeds Auto Northern lights at day 69 in soil:


Again im impressed with how well and quickly she has developed compared to other NL autos ive seen. Some bud close-ups.

The other plants to follow after
Auto Candy Dawg day 78 in soil and coming on now:

She smells fantastic. Show sweet, fruity kushy sour and spicy. She really attacks the sense the same way a good Jasmin plant can.
Her buds are starting to engorge and drip with THC and she looks like she will be a good producer given her time. But the bigger the buds get, the quicker they seem to grow so when that explosion starts slowing down I'll start watching those trichs.

Then we have the Nicole Cream Auto of the same age, slowing doing her thing. She is a very bushy plant and also far taller than her sister now!


And also my range of organic tobacco which I am growing to make my own eliquids, including a "joint" eliquid made with the trim of the Candy Dawg and some of GV if the pure tobacco stuff tastes good!

Anyway peace out people