New Grower Medimadness’ rotating garden of lunacy.

Update on my ever growing garden:

As you can see we've got quite a lot of action in the tent at the moment! Both ganja and other pet projects, it's a pretty busy time for a horticulture student so between battle threads, my own garden and my college lot I find it hard to find time for my journal when it seems I spend most my time arm deep in soil lol


First off we have my chosen battle plant for the Seedstockers Round 1, the Candy Dawg Auto day 43 in soil:

This one is fantastic and doesn't stop giving. Continuing to make small LST adjustments as she transitions into full flowering growth. A very K hungry plant, but a little N sensitive and also seeming to like a little extra chelated iron (supplied via a light Calmag and other immobiles) and is currently getting 1.25ml/l biogrow, 0.5ml/l Biobloom for acclimatisation, 1ml/l topmax (I start giving bloom stimulants in small doses when I see clear calyx formation across all major budsites), 2ml/l Alg-a-mic, and 0.5ml/l Calmag and other minor nutrients. Any issues with feeding have since left besides a touch of tip burn but that was fixed by laying off the fish mix as we start entering into flower due to the high N.

Nicole Cream Auto day 43 in soil:

Don't let me not choosing this one as my battle plant fool you, she is a stunner despite an issue with minor discolouration on occasion on leaves without any adverse effects, and even affected leaves being healthy enough despite deformation.

She is beautiful, and still recieving a little LST and similar treatment to her germ sister but required far more defolation before she enters into full swing than her sister is getting.

Next we have Northern Lights Auto day 33 in soil:

And looking great despite a successful supercrop to her mainstem to allow slightly more level colas. She is stretching far more than the last one I grew and looks like she will be a little bigger and also smellier. I upped her K intake incase the stretching was caused by her earlier deficiency in that due to the recycled soil however now I am seeing no further signs of stress so I assume it is how she wishes to grow.

She is currently getting 1.5ml/l biogrow and loving it as far as I can see.

Auto Kalashnikov, still unsure of the day as I have yet to do her chart since she seems a little slow growing but I will do it soon as she has picked up now:


I have also got a Short Stuff Seeds Pink Grapefruit Auto at day 2 in soil who has just germed:

Anyway guys, peace out for now, I'm glad I was able to get a full update in amongst the hectic times
nice update mate, pleasure to peek in to your garden as always.

Candy Dawg looking like a real beauty, i've tried Mephisto's 'dawg offering but i'm in no way opposed to trying out more.
Keep up the fantastic work mate, great stuff going on in your space bro. how's the smoke been on the harvests?
nice update mate, pleasure to peek in to your garden as always.

Candy Dawg looking like a real beauty, i've tried Mephisto's 'dawg offering but i'm in no way opposed to trying out more.
Keep up the fantastic work mate, great stuff going on in your space bro. how's the smoke been on the harvests?

Trust man this Candy Dawg auto starts pumping out about as much smell as my friends photo chemdawgs from a while ago, I'm really impressed. Coz she's still mainly vegging with flowering coming fast it's mainly a skunky grass smell currently but is slowly getting sweater and kush spicier by the day.

And the white Widow and Northern lights while not being the biggest stinkers after about a month in the jars but the highs are insane.
Both are so similar to their lineage it's hard to tell the difference between my stocks of White Widow photo that my friend traded me for some feelgood and my auto WW stocks I grew except by smell and with far less side affects than the photo counterpart. Full on creative high with a sativa kick and Indica tailoff that makes for a great all day smoke and is going down so fast as a result.

The NL auto feels like the perfect hybrid: great levels of THC but with enough CBD to level it off making for a great evening/ dinnertime smoke and the Dr. Feelgood gets stronger by the day, making that full on indica narcotic blast ever so strong and she stinks like a photo to boot only after about 21 days curing.

All in all I couldn't be happier, and I haven't even thought about picking up for months! Happy days
Hey buddy, Sorry for the lack of response, I've been travelling for a couple of weeks and havent had the chance to check in.

Looks like it's all going well in there! Candy Dawg sounds very appealing!

You said you're not having much luck with the coco, what is it that makes you say that?

Everyone looks pretty happy from where I'm sitting!
sounds like a nice stash to be sat upon! hoping the upgrade to a tent will enable me to build a similar stash instead of grow-smoke-repeat. i love variety and i don't have that right now, lots of work for me haha!
Hey buddy, Sorry for the lack of response, I've been travelling for a couple of weeks and havent had the chance to check in.

Looks like it's all going well in there! Candy Dawg sounds very appealing!

You said you're not having much luck with the coco, what is it that makes you say that?

Everyone looks pretty happy from where I'm sitting!

It’s just all my instincts and knowledge are geared towards growing a variety of different cultivars in a range of different soil qualities and types but coco is quite different and far less forgiving (if you know how to maintain optimal soil condition that is, otherwise the opposite is probably true) And as it turns out my pH pen has been off for a while, and I have no idea where my expensive probe has gone so the whole thing has put me off until i can buy my professional pH kit for uni with my loan which I will put to good use!

For now I will just be using coco as a soil amendment, which it is far superior to than peat based. A bag of biobizz all-mix with a little perlite and a fair amount of coco or even a bit of recycled soil with some perlite and a good amount of coco, flushed through and then some Blood bone and fish mixed in to your desire makes for a really cost effective and great substrate if you ever consider going homemade.

Soon though, I will start up again with my hydro experiments, though I think I will be going rockwool and res most likely

Good to see you around buddy. How was the travelling btw? Anything exciting? :pighug:
sounds like a nice stash to be sat upon! hoping the upgrade to a tent will enable me to build a similar stash instead of grow-smoke-repeat. i love variety and i don't have that right now, lots of work for me haha!

Once you have it done, a 4x4 is literally the perfect size for a personal rotation to keep about 3 big jars full at least at any time (allowing you to give up the growing for holidays and stuff which is great, and if in the UK the stash can come with haha I’m planning a big fishing trip in Wales with a jar full of sativa and a jar full of pink grapefruit auto before the year is done and will likely be the most fun I’ve had fishing in years)

I also haven’t paid money for weed and have in fact received loads meals simply for being a generous guy with buds giving to close friends just because and people really respond to that with generosity of their own which is the best thing about a large personal stash that you do not sell.
Just sharing the love goes a surprisingly long way in a union like the UK!

Soon you’re going be sitting on plenty o’jars my friend! You did far better in a small space than I did, I couldn’t handle the intricate work and delicate flowers so cramped so I’m sure you’ve developed a deft hand!
Update for my Norther Lights Auto by Dope Seeds 2nd Attempt at day 37 in soil:

Fantastic plant here that has produced almost double the size of her sister, through a mix of genetics, light training and better training and feeding practices she has turned into a bit of a monster already, and isn’t showing much sign of slowing down at 64cm height and almost as much in width.

She is flowers nicely already, with lots of pistils and calyxes beginning to form a little more clearly, and stretching happening steadily.

She has been moved onto a 1ml/l biogrow to 1ml/l biobloom with 2.5ml/l Alg-a-mic, 0.5ml/l Calmag with chelated iron and 1ml/l topmax which has allowed me to control the stretch a little bit without making the mix too heavy on the bloom mix too early.

Here’s a couple with tape measure for scale. Apologies I had another bike accident the other day when I was off-roading and struggling to hold the phone through my bandages from the friction burn lol so the photos may not be amazing. All good though, just a part of the sport haha

Will post on the others in just a little bit.
It’s just all my instincts and knowledge are geared towards growing a variety of different cultivars in a range of different soil qualities and types but coco is quite different and far less forgiving (if you know how to maintain optimal soil condition that is, otherwise the opposite is probably true) And as it turns out my pH pen has been off for a while, and I have no idea where my expensive probe has gone so the whole thing has put me off until i can buy my professional pH kit for uni with my loan which I will put to good use!

For now I will just be using coco as a soil amendment, which it is far superior to than peat based. A bag of biobizz all-mix with a little perlite and a fair amount of coco or even a bit of recycled soil with some perlite and a good amount of coco, flushed through and then some Blood bone and fish mixed in to your desire makes for a really cost effective and great substrate if you ever consider going homemade.

Soon though, I will start up again with my hydro experiments, though I think I will be going rockwool and res most likely

Good to see you around buddy. How was the travelling btw? Anything exciting? :pighug:

Fair enough, well you seem to have managed to really dial in the soil so why change a good thing I guess? I'm setting myself a 2020 target for a no-till indoor bed. I've been looking at some short courses in horticulture to up my skill set a bit beforehand and learn some actual (not stoner) science too. There's only so much that can be learned from forums as you well know.

That NL you've got there looks amazing. Picture perfect cannabis plant! Very pretty indeed. Sorry to hear about the hand. Wishing you s swift recovery.
I didn't know you rode? I've just fixed my 29er back up after the front was totalled and getting excited for some summer trails. Adding some fishing to that sounds pretty dreamy. There are some stunning spots around the Brecon Beacons, if you're interested I can give you some pointers, although you probably know that part of the world better than I do.

Travelling was great! Went to Japan for two weeks. Stayed mostly in Tokyo but left to visit the mountains for a few days, stayed in a tiny village and sat in natural hot springs watching monkeys running around in the snow. Best trip of my life! No weed over there though! :shrug:
Fair enough, well you seem to have managed to really dial in the soil so why change a good thing I guess? I'm setting myself a 2020 target for a no-till indoor bed. I've been looking at some short courses in horticulture to up my skill set a bit beforehand and learn some actual (not stoner) science too. There's only so much that can be learned from forums as you well know.

That NL you've got there looks amazing. Picture perfect cannabis plant! Very pretty indeed. Sorry to hear about the hand. Wishing you s swift recovery.
I didn't know you rode? I've just fixed my 29er back up after the front was totalled and getting excited for some summer trails. Adding some fishing to that sounds pretty dreamy. There are some stunning spots around the Brecon Beacons, if you're interested I can give you some pointers, although you probably know that part of the world better than I do.

Travelling was great! Went to Japan for two weeks. Stayed mostly in Tokyo but left to visit the mountains for a few days, stayed in a tiny village and sat in natural hot springs watching monkeys running around in the snow. Best trip of my life! No weed over there though! :shrug:

Yeah it's more the knee I've managed to do something more serious too. Can't really stand on it after a day lol.

Coz of my asthma I'm not able to ride how I used to uphill without battery assistance but I'm huge in to cycling. Off road motorbikes when I was younger too but over here my license isn't valid. Sucks though because I came off when I was off-road and hurt my hand, started home and then the wind took me and due to the earlier crash my brakes locked and that was it I hit the gravel road and that took the skin on my left arm and knee along with muscle pulls all over lol
Wouldn't have called an ambulance if I'd only had the one fall :crying:

Wasn't even stoned coz I do that shit sober so I dont even know. One of those days where the universe just wants you to eat gravel and bathe in road oil haha

Also this is my seedstocker battle thread with he Candy Dawg Auto and Nicole Cream Auto updates if you're interested, rarely put them here as there's so much to update lol

@Froot n Fuel not sure if I've invited you to that thread either tbf