hey matey
how's it been going this week? bet that Candy Dawg is stretching her arms out now eh?
How's the coco experience so far?
hope you're well.
Hey bro cheers for checking in, it's been a bit of a mad time for me with spring coursework for my horticulture course and lots of personal issues so I haven't been around as much as I'd like. Always appreciate the little bump to remind me
In all honesty my Coco experience as a sole substrate has been lack luster with far too much condition maintenance, alpng with a pH pen breaking without knowing I've managed to kill two seedlings so I'm moving back to soil until I can get a new high quality probe for a reasonable price.
That being said as a soil recycling amendment it is absolutely fantastic and seems to allow the plants to feed a lot easier while adding to soil structure, retention and all round buffer activity that's superior even to the pure lightmix. Am going to move into using allmix cut down with Coco and perlite as the plants seem to fucking love it but need a lot more feeding so starting with a richer base substrate should solve that.
You are right though bro everything is kicking off now!
Nicole Cream and Candy Dawg day 38, just having their first taste of Biobloom for acclimatisation as I don't like to do harsh switches.
And northern lights Auto day 28 in soil, just like her sister she's looks like she's gonna be finished well in time. Dope seeds NL autos seem to progrrss very quickly
And Auto Kalashnikov though I've lost count lol
Can you link me your journal I think I've lost the notification bro, will check in later, to see how your Coco experiment is going yourself lol, hopefully better than mine