New Grower Medimadness’ rotating garden of lunacy.

I do know of ways to get cheeba chews and so forth over here, just need to know where to look. Surprisingly good value for money when a full chew (think they’re like 30mg) is enough to keep me happy all day!

But i too long for the days where i can just pick up a pack at the corner coffee shop
You've got a good connection!
I'm a fan of 10mg gummies, I can just keep topping up as needed without the worry of overdoing it.
You've got a good connection!
I'm a fan of 10mg gummies, I can just keep topping up as needed without the worry of overdoing it.

Ah i’ve said many times to my nan besides the obvious (her recovery) the only good thing to come of her chemotherapy was the connections i made by talking with the other family members and patients when she was in the chair or in a hospital bed!

The moment you move away from the true black market and into the grey area local clubs connections being an issue is a thing of the past!
I’ve tried some eddies from the true black market and it nearly killed me because they were full of both artificial cannabinoids and valium taken while i was on post op opiates! Woke up 36hrs after taking it, one of my worst mistakes, never to buy anything from anyone who doesn’t let me into their home and try the gear first. Probably over cautious now but with good reason since the days of honest local dealers being a thing of the past!
hopefully will be making up a big batch of butter this evening to get the treats ready for the festivities.

@NiceOption if you get up and running with a rosin press in the future then check out the rosin chocolate recipes from Man O Green - seems like the easiest way to make properly dose edibles and the result is supposedly incredibly tasty. i can't wait to get involved!

@Medimadness lovely update from the garden. lots of happy girls. did your RH come down? i think i'm gonna order a humidifier myself, i can't get much above 45% with open water containers in the cupboard, and i'll want to take the domes off the seedlings today or tomorrow.

Oh boy yeah i’ve tried the sweet and solventless rosin choc with white choc snd nutela using the same amount i would dab, would get me twice as high i’m the choco.

But sadly RH is still a huge problem for me. its still on the high end, can be 50-85%.
I’ve got 2 small dehumidifiers in there working constantly until i can get myself a stronger couple fans to increase circulation. Looks like in my area during flowering i’m going to need to almost double my extraction power, which doesn’t make sense because my math says 100m3 is enough but obviously there’s certain envrionemental factors that i need to take into account like low temp high RH that my area experiences in winter.

A really good tip is to get some nice smooth stones (like river pebbles and that), fill out a run off tray with them and cover with nice room temp water leaving just the tips of the stones to place the pot on to avoid her sitting in water.
The pebbles increase water surface area and create a little bubble of humidity around the plants.

It’s what i do for my indoor high RH decorative plants when the central heating drys the air out. hope that helps man :pighug:
I just cannot keep up with Amelia.
This Dr. Feelgood at day 31 is truly remarkable.
She is currently 35cm despite the extensive LST and twice as wide.
She is forming into a fantastic plant though i think i should have topped her to control height but there’s no point now.

Also here’s a little hack to get yourself another inch or two of space in the tent if you don’t want leaves making contact with the reflective material!

make sure it’s not putting too much stress on the seams if you have to do this though!
I just cannot keep up with Amelia.
This Dr. Feelgood at day 31 is truly remarkable.
She is currently 35cm despite the extensive LST and twice as wide.
She is forming into a fantastic plant though i think i should have topped her to control height but there’s no point now.
View attachment 989692 View attachment 989694
Also here’s a little hack to get yourself another inch or two of space in the tent if you don’t want leaves making contact with the reflective material!
View attachment 989693
make sure it’s not putting too much stress on the seams if you have to do this though!
That is an absolute beast you've grown there! Day 31, incredible!

Regarding clubs, I've not really looked to much into them, i probably should... The main London based one is all a bit confusing to me and I've noticed some off putting language on their page but yeah, maybe that'll be a new years resolution!
That is an absolute beast you've grown there! Day 31, incredible!

Regarding clubs, I've not really looked to much into them, i probably should... The main London based one is all a bit confusing to me and I've noticed some off putting language on their page but yeah, maybe that'll be a new years resolution!

I know man she is insane! I need the other tent ASAP so I can slap her under the marshydro reflector!
Will be getting a marshydro LED Cob soon too so hopefully i’ll have it for when she’s flowering in earnest
Very exciting though if she does get too tall im going to have to construct her own environment or get a taller tent for the bigger autos and photos sooner than i expected! Not that i’m too upset :woohoo:

But yeah it’s always better to go for the smaller suburban clubs. I’m near bristol so mine is perfect, they stopped prosecuting the majority of minor ganja crimes basically unless it’s a comercial grow or dealing huge amounts the police don’t seem to care and as a result we’ve had an increase in quality and slight decrease in price so it could be worse
Just doubled my grow space a head of schedule in preparation for the coming grow battle!
I went with Candy Dawg, looking forward to my first taste of competition growing!

Exciting stuff. Really didn’t expect to double my kit this close to xmas :crying:
Oh well not that i’m complaining, Amelia needs the space to become the beast she’s set to be without RH and damp problems down the line let alone how she’s shading everything else.

Will have the new tent up and running by Sunday, fingers crossed.

It’s a finether 120x120x200 grow space! A decent brand and got it at a decent price so i can’t complain.
I know from their 60x60 that it’s good solid construction and quality material
Very early morning update for Greta (Critical Cheese Auto, Zamnesia Seeds) day 68 in soil:
Just thought i’d get this out of the way since Ive got quite a lot of my hands at the moment.
As you can see she’s in the very final stages of flowering, and taking on that weight that i want.

Pistils are dominantly orange with some off-white as you can see and she is soooo dank. Her sugar leaf and trim is literally glistening and dripping, under the microscope it’s impossible to focus on any one trich since they are so abundant. I couldn’t be happier.

She’s going to be having a little dry period and then a final feed before a minimum 7 day flush but the flush will end when i think the time is right. I think in total she will end up running 77-80 days but only time will tell.

She is packing on weight still which is to be expected, and i reckon she’ll put on the majority of the trich production now which i’m seeing already. All cloudy too with light spatterings of amberish colour.
I may even have to get a little support to her as the stems of the smaller side branches and bigger side branch/ dominant cola not sure what to call it (She’s half mainlined)

I am aware of all feeding issues with with her, but it’s all just lingering effects so i’m not worried by it in the slightest since the buds are forming near perfectly
Wow!!! Greta looks awesome! You think you might wrestle her out in the next couple days and take some pics of her? I’d love to compare her to my GG to get a harvest timing estimate. They look close.

Congratulations on the new tent!! Is that your third tent? You’ll love the 4x4.
Wow!!! Greta looks awesome! You think you might wrestle her out in the next couple days and take some pics of her? I’d love to compare her to my GG to get a harvest timing estimate. They look close.

Congratulations on the new tent!! Is that your third tent? You’ll love the 4x4.

Will do a nice white light update for her tomorrow before she goes on flush :)

Happy days when the plants are telling you it’s nearly time to be dried and cured but then the real patience test will begin!!

It is indeed my third tent now, though until february’s grow battle i will only be having the bigger tent and one of the 60x60s going as i want to be able to dedicate the bigger tent when the time comes so no more germing until mid january no matter how much i want to, i have to wait till i get the Seedstockers Candy Dawg Kush as im going to grow 4/6 of them to give me a few options to enter. Gonna take a lot of planning and experimenting with different training to get the size and shape i’ll be happy with!