New Grower Medimadness’ rotating garden of lunacy.

@NiceOption @Froot n Fuel yeah basically could have kept her longer, but i needed space and too late i realised i made a drastic mistake on Val of getting stoned and defoliated her during late flower .

She of course came back with veg growth and the buds stopped filling out and for some reason no matter how much i was reducing her nutes she was burning, it’s def not the lemon juice to pH as i looked into it and it’s tried and tested so honestly fuck knows. Dont swear much but basically she was getting on my nerves that much lol

Tilda is shaping out to be a beast and responding to nutes 10x better than Val. She’s starting to flower now, pics to follow soon.
Greta is the one though!
Update for Greta, the holy grail of my first grow after dissatisfaction from Val and having to get her gone. Day 57 in soil:

She is looking so lovely, her buds are forming so quickly now it’s unbelievable.
She is going to be put on to flush at some point soon in preparation for harvest. Have only given her water today as she looked a tiny bit over fed and will probably be her last feed tomorrow or the day after since her pistils are maybe 50% orange atm

Lots of pics in different lighting.
View attachment 985529 Update for Greta, the holy grail of my first grow after dissatisfaction from Val and having to get her gone. Day 57 in soil:

She is looking so lovely, her buds are forming so quickly now it’s unbelievable.
She is going to be put on to flush at some point soon in preparation for harvest. Have only given her water today as she looked a tiny bit over fed and will probably be her last feed tomorrow or the day after since her pistils are maybe 50% orange atm

Lots of pics in different lighting.
View attachment 985528 View attachment 985530 View attachment 985531 View attachment 985532 View attachment 985534 View attachment 985535 View attachment 985536
Wow, she looks awesome. How long do you flush for?
Wow, she looks awesome. How long do you flush for?

If it were a photo period i’d probably cut out the bloom feed in the mix the night before, ive her one last dose of topmax and calmag (preferably something with some chelates, seems to help balance things out) and then 14 days clean water in soil or half for coco fibre.
Because it’s a lot harder to gauge when an auto is going to be done since the final stretch seems to happen so fast i’m just aiming for 10 days or more.
I use organic nutes mainly with only the calmag as a non-organic supplement (all i could find short notice) so i’m not too worried but i’d still rather start a flush early.
I’ve long since discovered that too much nutes is far far worse than a little too little.
Just gonna slap some pics up there!

Tilda! Coming into bloom nicely now. Crazy how 5 days from first pistils everything else kicks off. The moment the bushing stops and the stretch begins fully she’ll be slapped on bloom mix. Moved her into the flowering tent so here’s hoping i do a better job of this Blueberry. She’s already set out to be a very bushy beast!!
Defoliated her pretty heavily while leaving her plenty of established growth for photosynthesis. Have kept her at .75ml max of grow feed since the blueberry seemed to react so negatively to the tip burn and pullback method.

Broomehilda! Crazy growth. Tiniest bit of tip burn and will feed once clean and then reduce by 15%.
Defoliated her as well to open up the centre sites to light. She is coming on so well and unphased by the split stem i repaired haphazardly.

Amelia! The spiral shape LST was going great until i accidentally knelt on the string i was tying and snapped the mainstem a little. Repaired it with a splint and tape and i’m sure she’ll be fine as it seems already as if it hasn’t happened.
Can’t wait for this girl to start flowering though i’m a little worried about the size she may be and may have to end up whacking out the CFLs if i run out of room. It looks like it may be the case tbf but we’ll see if i can manage to keep her under the limit because i don’t quite fancy taking my elec bill up by £35 a month
space is a premium and tough choices have to be made - for the greater good and all that mate.

all these ladies look stellar. Greta will still plump up a lot looking at her, lovely green leaves and little to no signs of fade yet...personally she looks like she'll do another couple of weeks before worrying about the flush but you've got the best angle on all that matey, can only tell so much from the pics. keep in mind most autos don't achieve their estimated ready times - 80-90 days seems more accurate than the usual 65-70 days many of these autos get quoted.

do you have a loupe or something similar to get a good look at trichs?
space is a premium and tough choices have to be made - for the greater good and all that mate.

all these ladies look stellar. Greta will still plump up a lot looking at her, lovely green leaves and little to no signs of fade yet...personally she looks like she'll do another couple of weeks before worrying about the flush but you've got the best angle on all that matey, can only tell so much from the pics. keep in mind most autos don't achieve their estimated ready times - 80-90 days seems more accurate than the usual 65-70 days many of these autos get quoted.

do you have a loupe or something similar to get a good look at trichs?

Yeah man got a 30x loop and 60-120x pocket microscope and am patiently waiting for 75% coloured pistil and clouded trichs.
Am at about 50% pistils being brown /orange and maybe 25% clouded trichs.
you may be able to see what i mean here

The led isn’t s little annoying though hard to show

With a 2 week soil flush with autos it’s all about waiting and watching ofc, can’t go by times.

it is day 58 currently so around 75/80 days sounds about right from what i’m seeing

She is still on feed atm ofc, however the amount is a little lower and only getting bloom feed on alternate days as she doesn’t seem to want it everyday atm
hey guys a little update here for Greta day 59 in soil.

Since my experience with overfeeding i have been a little too lax with the feed and Greta has started to suffer a tiny bit.

Showing signs of what i’ve figures out to be P + K deficiency. Progressed to the point of identification I was able to figure it out comparing to this chart i found quite helpful.

Not too bad really, have upped feed to 1.5ml/l bloom and will see how she does!

If anyone has anything to add i’m all ears or eyes or whatever apendage