New Grower Medimadness’ rotating garden of lunacy.

think theres a technique pinching ? people squeeze the branch and give it a bit of a knuckle,like what happens with a supercropping,but they dont bend the branch over.

Probably snapped or stretched near the point of snapping ever so slightly, not enough to cause any issues but enough to make her knuckle similar to pinching since it weakens the structure, ive noticed this on colas i’ve snapped a bit during LST and then they end up becoming one of the most dominant colas! I first saw that happen when i snapped a stem super cropping Greta, it was only a tiny little thing and now it’s a lot bigger compared to similar branches. And now similar is occurring with the white widow.

I may actually try pinching on Tilda while she’s at the time for it! Already done some supercropping to control the height of the central budsites and aid light penetration.
I’ve read many times about it and keep forgetting so i may have a go now to reinforce it in my stoned brain lol :dizzy:
Okay then, late night update for the rest of my little garden.

First off we have Tilda (Blueberry Autoflower (Zamnesia Seeds)) day 45 in soil:
Now she’s starting to come into true flower and i’ve very proud how the LST job is coming on.
The stretch has started and the canopy is so far the most even that I have managed to produce.
She is throwing quite a few pistils and budisites are all over.
She has now been switched onto a light bloom mix since Val really didn’t like any more grow mix past this point and she’s a very healthy shade!
Glad to see what i’ve learnt from Val and Greta is there, one of the benefits of the rotating garden is that you never stop learning.

Next up we have Broomehilda (White Widow Autoflower (Dope Seeds)) day 33 in soil:
This plant is also coming on very well and i’ve seem a pistil or two start coming on. She is very healthy and the snapped stem seems to have recovered really well!
She’s drinking loads atm and actually starting to smell already! Can’t wait to see her start producing those glistening recreational buds start coming in.

Next is Amelia ( Dr. Feelgood (Short Stuff Seeds)) day 24 in soil:
This plant just continues to amaze with its growth and im a little worried she’s soon going to outgrow my space! pretty annoying in a good way lol however this isn’t meant to be the biggest plant so i think i’ve just got a strong pheno. Fantastic results with the straight LST also, All her colas are far off the top mass and the snapped main stem has almost fully recovered.
She’s drinking quite a bit and expect her to be a big producer at this rate. Have defoliated her a bit but for the most part she’s been easy to just live and let be.

Aaand last but not least we have Augusta (Northern Lights Autoflower (Dope Seeds)) day 17 in soil:
She’s coming on well now and has been transplanted into an 11l smart pot.
As NL is renowned for being a large plant despite breeders claims it being a good plant for beginners, i have seem many with space issues so for my limited space i have decided to go for 4 main colas in this one and have removed the two lowest branches after giving her a bit to recover from both topping and transplant.
Will update on her progress soon!
Also I forgot to mention with the winter coming on strong and the plants growing up i’m slowly increasing the light schedule.

Tent with Greta and Tilda in there is now at 23/1 where it will stay.
Maybe not the most conventional light schedule but they seem to love the excess hours but i also get the benefit of an hour rest.

Tent with the other three is currently at 20.5/3.5 and will over the next few days reach 22/2 simply as that light is a bit noisy and i like to go to bed without it

RH is still a bit of a problem for me since technically the whole area i live in is peaty marshland and would be flooded if not for the ingenious floating harbour. Bit of a pain in the ass though lol. I have to run two dehumidifiers almost constantly in one tent and will have to get a better one for the other so that i can make the most of the small space!
Okay then, late night update for the rest of my little garden.

First off we have Tilda (Blueberry Autoflower (Zamnesia Seeds)) day 45 in soil:
Now she’s starting to come into true flower and i’ve very proud how the LST job is coming on.
The stretch has started and the canopy is so far the most even that I have managed to produce.
She is throwing quite a few pistils and budisites are all over.
She has now been switched onto a light bloom mix since Val really didn’t like any more grow mix past this point and she’s a very healthy shade!
Glad to see what i’ve learnt from Val and Greta is there, one of the benefits of the rotating garden is that you never stop learning.
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Next up we have Broomehilda (White Widow Autoflower (Dope Seeds)) day 33 in soil:
This plant is also coming on very well and i’ve seem a pistil or two start coming on. She is very healthy and the snapped stem seems to have recovered really well!
She’s drinking loads atm and actually starting to smell already! Can’t wait to see her start producing those glistening recreational buds start coming in.
View attachment 986727 View attachment 986729
Next is Amelia ( Dr. Feelgood (Short Stuff Seeds)) day 24 in soil:
This plant just continues to amaze with its growth and im a little worried she’s soon going to outgrow my space! pretty annoying in a good way lol however this isn’t meant to be the biggest plant so i think i’ve just got a strong pheno. Fantastic results with the straight LST also, All her colas are far off the top mass and the snapped main stem has almost fully recovered.
She’s drinking quite a bit and expect her to be a big producer at this rate. Have defoliated her a bit but for the most part she’s been easy to just live and let be.
View attachment 986728 View attachment 986730
Aaand last but not least we have Augusta (Northern Lights Autoflower (Dope Seeds)) day 17 in soil:
She’s coming on well now and has been transplanted into an 11l smart pot.
As NL is renowned for being a large plant despite breeders claims it being a good plant for beginners, i have seem many with space issues so for my limited space i have decided to go for 4 main colas in this one and have removed the two lowest branches after giving her a bit to recover from both topping and transplant.
Will update on her progress soon!
View attachment 986725 View attachment 986726
Tilda looks incredible! You certainly deserve to be proud! Pro training.
yeh Tilda's training is awesome, she'll be a pretty one once the buds begin to stack! :bighug:

seen some growers snap literally every stem and they swear it boosts bud production - i tried it on my Livers quite late on and didn't see any difference but she was a bit weird anyway...i'll nominate a random Tangie stem when she kicks in to bloom :pass:

i'll take some of that humidity off ya hands...down to averages of 40% here :redcross::redcross::redcross:
yeh Tilda's training is awesome, she'll be a pretty one once the buds begin to stack! :bighug:

seen some growers snap literally every stem and they swear it boosts bud production - i tried it on my Livers quite late on and didn't see any difference but she was a bit weird anyway...i'll nominate a random Tangie stem when she kicks in to bloom :pass:

i'll take some of that humidity off ya hands...down to averages of 40% here :redcross::redcross::redcross:
I second that! I came home today to discover 41% humidity and 19c with lights ON! I dread to think what the temps were like when it was off.
yeh Tilda's training is awesome, she'll be a pretty one once the buds begin to stack! :bighug:

seen some growers snap literally every stem and they swear it boosts bud production - i tried it on my Livers quite late on and didn't see any difference but she was a bit weird anyway...i'll nominate a random Tangie stem when she kicks in to bloom :pass:

i'll take some of that humidity off ya hands...down to averages of 40% here :redcross::redcross::redcross:

Aw man i’m jealous.
NGL though the plants don’t seem to mind the 60% that i seem to average in flower, it’s just ive got to check for moulds and mildews every day and not let temps drop below 25c which is a bit of a pain

@NiceOption Yowza that’s pretty low man. Lucky you caught it before they’d been sitting in it for a couple days at least so they should be good

I’ve said it before, despite the increased humidity from both me and 5 plants in the room i sleep in it does make it a helluva lot easier to maintain ambient temps.
If my room isn’t warm enough for me to lounge in my boxers comfortably i’m sure tent temps are above 25c which is pretty handy.

Not too sure what i’m gonna tell the girl i started seeing, she smokes but i wonder what she’ll make of the amount of love i give my girls to the extent of giving up my queen size for a single bed to fit the 2nd tent :crying:
Hey AFN,
Update for my little grow op. Have started making better feeding charts and my understanding of how to use the biobizz line is vastly improved though i am still learning the best concentrations for my set-up but believe i have at least a basic understanding now.

Greta (Critical Cheese Auto) day 61 in soil:
She is starting to enter into the final stages and after increasing feed to 0.25ml grow/ 2.5ml Bloom and 2ml calmag she has picked up considerably.
Despite the yellowing near the buds she seems to be getying danker by the day with well over half the pistils turning orange and buds fattening up nicely.
I reckon she’ll be ready to pop onto flush by day 70 and harvest for around day 80-85 though at this point i’m in no rush.

Tilda (Blueberry Auto) day 47 in soil:

Continuing to develop at a fast rate and is really coming into flower now with the stretch starting to rear its head.
She is currently being fed 1ml grow, 1ml bloom, 0.5ml calmag and 1ml Topmax.
Thankfully my understanding of how to use the biobizz line has improved considerably and Tilda seems to prefer higher doses than Val ever wanted without any sign of tip burn.

Broomehilda (White Widow Auto) day 36 in soil:

Now this one is bushing out nicely, and recovered in a few hours to all the supercropping and pinching that i performed on her main colas. Very nice.
She is by far the stinkiest vegging plant and has started throwing out pistils.
She is being fed 1ml grow, 0.5ml topmax, 0.5ml Calmag.


Amelia (Dr. Feelgood) day 26 in soil:

This one simply doesn’t stop impressing. The difference in genetics between an auto specialist and a standard breeder is obvious with Short Stuff so far.
She is a little note leggy but still node spacing is fantastic and she is producing secondary colas like no ones business and the LST response is great.
Have supercropped the mainstem along with a couple side branches in order to control height and possibly boost yeilds.

Augusta (Northern Lights Auto) day 19 in soil:

Full recovery from topping and is now beginning to show dominance to the new for colas i’m training. She is such a squat plant and doesn’t seem to respond to light height training. I believe there may have been some very minor shock during transplant but now the slowed growth is coming back on with a vengeance.

Peace and love
Really impressive Medi. I don’t think I could keep that many plants straight though from the looks of things, you keep nice records.

Something I’ve always wondered, maybe you could give some insight. Why transplant at all? What’s the advantage versus putting the seed in the final pot, and a monster one at that?