New Grower Medimadness’ rotating garden of lunacy.

Been soon busy recently it’s been hard to keep up updates on a rotating garden since the work never ends! With being back to work it’s hard to find the time to be as comprehensive especially this time of year.

don't sweat it too much mate, it's a tall order to thoroughly document a single plant, let alone a bunch of 'em!

they look great, lovely training across the board.
don't sweat it too much mate, it's a tall order to thoroughly document a single plant, let alone a bunch of 'em!

they look great, lovely training across the board.

Cheers man, yeah i’m thinking the training on ((EDIT) Tilda not Val) Tilda so early is meaning there isn’t loads more bending to be done on her until she starts putting on height.
Really happy with Broomehilda too who is going to be a very nice 5 main cola plant i think!

Amelia is becoming a beast so soon! Definitely a strong starter and really impressed with Short Stuff so far, is the only auto i’ve grown that is actually following the breeders timeline. Everything else is far behind the sketchy guidelines for harvest the breeders gave.
Really tempted to top her but for once i think i’m going to grow natural and just supercropping if need be! i’ve never grown a plant like that lol

Trust me man, what’s worse of course is it’s hard to find the time to update your own journal let alone interact properly on the forum yanno! I love reading other journals and offering opinions and stuff because you learn so much, you get countering opinions and ideas or inspiration to play around with its great
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Hey guys, day off today so it’s time to do s thorough update on my garden plant by plant under good lighting to give a good perspective.

Will start with Val and then post a little later for the other flowering plant.

Val day 63 in soil:
Val seems to be putting on weight and trichs now, though i’d ben expecting more frosting visible to the naked eye so far. It’s there, clearly visible through the 60x microscope or 30x loupe.
Her smell is coming into it’s own now. Any poopy smell has matured into a general earthy forest musk mixed with the sickly sweet tones that blueberry is famous for.
I would say her flavour profile is a little more musky than the photo cousin parent and all the more complex for it.

And here is one with a common northern european company folding chair for scale.

Pictured below is what seems to be N deficiency on the oldest foliage which i assume is telling me that she is entering the final weeks of flowering @archie gemmill @Rollin_along @Vapo69
Not sure if you guys could chime in with an opinion or reassaurance of my thoughts please, I would appreciate it to put the new grower anxiety at ease haha

Anyway cheers guys, will update Greta after i make some new feeding charts

peace and love
Okay and here’s the second part of my flowering update.

Greta day 52 in soil:
Making fantastic progress, and has long since outgrown Val with one of her more dominant colas that came directly off the node.
She is drinking a lot now, but i had to ease back 10% more on the bloom feed as i had a few more dayglo tips but i’m not bothered because she’s a good 8 days ahead of Val in terms of THC production and fast catching up on mass too.

if you zoom in on these you can just about see frosting

And here’s one with the same chair for scale. as you can see it’s got a few inches on val now.


Cheers guys

peace and love
And now we have a little update on the veg. tent.

Tilda day 38 in soil:
Compared to Val at this time she is a little slow growing however her structure is coming on well.
She has shown small preflowers but barely and is clearly still in the midst of veg growth.
Her root structure is very strong, having bound the soil around the transplant pot nicely so far which i was looking out for.

Broomehilda day 26 in soil:
Doing well so far and adjusted nicely to the new pot and LST adjustments. All growth is equal so far.

Amelia day 17 in soil:

Now this is one amanzingly fast growing plant, already a lot more leggy than anything else i’ve grown.
I am just going to be performing your standard daily LST adjustments to get a spiral shape going and to control height. Not going to top her for sure.

Augusta day 10 in soil:

Doing very well with first true leaves showing nicely. Completely unphased by first transplant luckily.

Anyways that will be the last update for today, time to actually relax with a bong of some amazing Glueberry (Gorrila Glue x Blueberry) that he bred himself that i am so impressed with. It’s not yet perfected either which is all the more impressive!
Can’t wait to get a clone from this plant for spring!
Val looking good :thumbsup: perhaps a smidge more cal/mag ? il wait to see what proper growers say :pass:breeder times :eyebrows: for most add 1 or 2 weeks ontop and youl be closer to real chop times.imn my experience the very oldest/lowest leaves that get next to no light will slowly die off,it dont bother me aslong as it dont work its way up the plant/kinda natural at day 63 ish.Greta looking even better :thumbsup:
keep er lit
and thats what happens when ya go make a cuppa tea and dont hit post reply folks :baked:
Tilda a bit on the late side to show sex,well spreas out could turn into a beast :thumbsup: Broomhilda nice.Amelia shooting ahead for day 17 :smokeit: Augusta looking spot on.
nice growing :pass:
keep er lit.
@archie gemmill cheers man, i was gonna give her a bit more calmag tomorrow like 1ml/L with TM as I wanted to give her a reduced bloom feed anyway as I wanted to figure out how much water to give her when it's time for the preharvest flush.

Trouble is i stupidly bought a bottle of calmag and didn’t check it’s N content so i have to be careful with how much i give her at the same time as other N containing bottled nutes. It's not much but still
Gonna get the biobizz alg-a-mic (I think that's the one) next instead
a lot of folk will say flushing is a myth.others swear by 48 hours darkness and stabing the trunk with a breadknife whilst pouring boiling or iced water over the pot :chef: if thats the way you do it,keep doin it,if it aint broke dont fix it.
my fully grown plants normally get 1L of feed everyday.the last 5-7 days of a plants life il give 1L of plain water not ph'd for maybe 3 days then let the plant/pot dry out for 3 days before harvest.
i remember lots of talk a while back about cal/mag with 2-0-0 or 1-0-0 i wouldnt go as far as to say its a myth that it was accounting for over N of plants but theres no much talk of it now.and i think one of the smart folks said that 1ml of 2-0-0 in an L of feed was something like 65ppm of N so not very much really.
i use alg a mic seaweed extract not much in it 0.1-0-0.2 something like that,not sure why i use it...probably because its the cheapest of biobizz £10/L