Photoperiod McDee's Malawi Madness

@Waira I think I know my issue, ppms are a little high.


I'd say 2630 ppm is high... not as high as me right now, but close lol. :baked: Question is how do I lower them without flushing? PH is bouncing from 5.86-5.94. Any suggestions?

Stay lifted
:eek1: hoooy, yeah that's high ppm alright! ..but first, tell me how exactly you collected it? I gather you used RO/Di water or very low ppm as we discussed... collection can be bitch in your set-up though because you'll need to catch the run off in something clean, no gunk, residues, mineral stains, etc. because that can contribute to the TDS and elevate above actual ppm's.
I shocked the pH is this stable considering, but so far that's OK...
As mentioned, you're in a tough spot for dealing with this issue; can't flush or move them, can't NOT feed them but you can drop the ppm's input....
The sides of those pots can be scraped, just don't let it collect in the saucers. It's not the fix, but it may help some...
:eek1: hoooy, yeah that's high ppm alright! ..but first, tell me how exactly you collected it? I gather you used RO/Di water or very low ppm as we discussed... collection can be bitch in your set-up though because you'll need to catch the run off in something clean, no gunk, residues, mineral stains, etc. because that can contribute to the TDS and elevate above actual ppm's.
I shocked the pH is this stable considering, but so far that's OK...
As mentioned, you're in a tough spot for dealing with this issue; can't flush or move them, can't NOT feed them but you can drop the ppm's input....
The sides of those pots can be scraped, just don't let it collect in the saucers. It's not the fix, but it may help some...
All I could do is take a pipette and collect the runoff out of the saucer into a cup. I used RO ppms were 9. I pH'd and added a drop of surfactant which brought ppms to 14. I wanted to scrape that crap off, but didn't know if I should. I will get as much as I can off. I tested the other lady as well to compare. She got normal feeding ppms were 760. Runoff was in the 1600's. She is looking real bad almost all yellow. I'll take a pic later. I have some water ready to feed them today. I'm hoping I can get a lower reading today, at least if she is using up some I could have a chance to save her... somewhat. Thanks for your help!!!

Stay lifted

I'm back with some more stuff lol. Welcome back, if you're new thanks for stopping by. Things aren't looking good for one of my ladies, but I'm hoping looks are deceiving. :goodluck: Before we get to that it's about that time... time to get lifted:yay:
Tag along if you aren't already faded, but I'm sure you are. Today was day 56 of flower, and the 1 lady looks like she may need to come down before end of grow. I'm not sure because never had a plant do this. I was able to flush her, I got a liquid transfer pump from Harbor Freight. I pumped 2 gallons of RO into her, and sucked out the runoff. I scraped her sides off, and changed trays to a bigger one.


I got her ppms down to 1150.


I think I may be to late tho. Here she is last night after flush.


Now here she is this morning before lights out.


This is a bud from the other plant.



Not sure how long she can hold out like this. She doesn't look any better now so looks bad for her, and me.

I have a few spots I missed when lollipoping lol.


They were on the other side of the branch so I couldn't see them. They will make good samples lol. Only green part of her. I guess with her ppms back down we will know in a few days if that was her issue, or if that was just one of her issues. That's about all i have for now till next time...

Stay lifted

I'm back with an update for those who are tagging along. Not sure much more I can do but keep going, but first its time to get lifted. :hookah:

Day 63 of flower, and lost a lot of leaves. I took most of the dead off, but more to come. Also, I had a little trimming misshap.


Got sloppy cut her off so just gonna press her see what I've got. This was off the worse lol plant hahaha. Got some amber I saw, got some cloudy too. So I will try it and see, but it's small. You can see the difference between the 2.


Not sure I can fix what is the problem so I will try to ride it out. If I get anything of worth is a plus. At one point I thought she was dead so getting something from her is still possible I hope. Not to much longer till they will be in estimated window. I am completely brimming with excitement with the thought of trying this in the next few days. I will obviously have some pics, and impressions if it's even ready. Have to wait until it's dry enough, press to soon and it's soup. Only have this small piece so don't want to waste. I may only get 1 dab... hope not, but may so don't want to waste it being impatient. I think that is it for now until that is ready...

Stay lifted

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Yeah buddy. Ya gotta whisper sweet little nothings into her ear. That’s how ya heal a hurtin girl. Lol. She’s looking like she’ll make it. How’s the density and what’s the nose now a days on them.
Yeah buddy. Ya gotta whisper sweet little nothings into her ear. That’s how ya heal a hurtin girl. Lol. She’s looking like she’ll make it. How’s the density and what’s the nose now a days on them.
I talk to all my plants, they're they only ones who listen to me lol. I think she may creep across the finish line. No smell in the tent as usual, but after touching finger smell sweet typical sativa kinda scent.
Man, tough plant & tricky grow. I hear such good things about the ACE strains. I guess maybe those top end effects and genetics need a little more finesse and massaging. An 80's Ferrari, nothing like it but, a difficult drive.
Man, tough plant & tricky grow. I hear such good things about the ACE strains. I guess maybe those top end effects and genetics need a little more finesse and massaging. An 80's Ferrari, nothing like it but, a difficult drive.
Yeah, she seems a little finicky. Probably should have waited on this 1 till later. Using a new nutrient line wasn't a great choice perhaps for this grow. I was wondering if my choice to use 3gal instead of 5gal was wrong too. I definitely want another shot at this 1. It's gonna have to wait till I can set it up for a spring start not a fall start. Your 80's Ferrari comparison is spot on, my uncle has 1. They are awesome, but if you own 1 you better know something about cars or else it's gonna cost you a lot of money.
Welcome back it's been a bit. No, I didn't get lost lol just been busy with outdoor chores. It's time to chop, but first things first... time to get lifted. All I got left for daytime is some Blue Dream, which is a little old.


Today is day 80 of flower, and honestly I'm tired. This grow has been a long one, and I'm ready for it to be over. I started preparing them last Friday. I took a branch so I will have some rosin for 420. Here are some pics from last night, and this morning.


I took off the net this morning just to make it easier. Also I removed my SP 3000 at lights off so I can hang them in my tent.


The plan is to start trimming tonight. I will start with the 1 on the left should be faster than the other 1. I will take some pics while trimming, and post after. SOH was looking for 5 testers for an Organic grown line which I put my name in the hat for. He said he was picking like 3 weeks ago, but hasn't yet. Not sure if it's still ago, but either I'll be testing that or trying out some BuildASoil for my next grow. I'll worry about that at a later date tho. Till next time...

Stay lifted
