Indoor LOWRYDER 2 first grow UK

Sending some :karma Cloud: for your injured girl bro, i hope she pulls through!
Just echoing what Grim & Dread said. Be patient, no messing around with her! :karma Cloud:
ok ok i wont touch them :-( next time i update will be over weekend because that is when I will see them...

have a good evening
I have a question to ask..just got an update on my plants and theres water droplets on most of the shaded growth..does that mean they need fresh air or a dehumidifier because there is too much moisture in the air???
well i said i wasnt going to get a hygrometer...but i guess i see a need for it. The old big fan leaves was touching the smaller fan leaves...everytime i reposition them they decide to go on top of eachother again...
looks like im gna have to pin or clip the large fan leaves coz they might create mold or mildew...
If your getting moisture on your leaves that means your humidity is to high.Try and get more air circulation around your plants with fans or open more vents in your tent to keep fresh air moving.Get a humidity gauge at Walmart forunder ten bucks so you can tell where your rh is.
20140910_205726.jpg20140910_205704.jpg20140910_205857.jpg This is plant one, the middle main stem broke, so on the left is a nice branch with multiple small branches....see the disease for urself....

The middle picture, it ain't nute burn, it's cooked leaf....last time I left her she was 1 inch below the light, today the leaves decided to cuddle the bloody 30w's like she was saying "TAKE ME, I'M NO GOOD, I CANT MEET HIS EXPECTATIONS", LIGHT REPLIES "OKAY" TaNg's Thang
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