I'm from London, and I am completely effed out of my head. I had the ladies on my rooftop for the last 3 days soaking some sun and my brother told me there was a helicopter that kept roaming around our streets really low.
About 6 hours ago I smoked some White Whidow, and the helicopter came ( long army style) I took about 8 hits of a joint and by the time I had finished, I was gone, finished, overboard with intake not compatible with my bitch little tolerance levels.
sooo, this helicopter kept circling around and around really low and I waved at it, took a video and what not coz thats what u do wen ur high as anything.
Basically when to copters came I took the plants and killed them.
Paranoia got the better of me it was scary!
I am still hearing things, my breathing sound is matching car roars, my wifes breathing, my daughters coughs.
How am I going to get to work? I haven't slept a wink for last 48 hours :-(