Indoor LOWRYDER 2 first grow UK

So this was day 10 today after i tried readjusting....going to let the new growth get longer then circle her around the pot every 3 days? Watering and feed due in 3 days with PM Grow....send me the karma people!!!! I don't want to f this up :-( Lowryder is really good for my anxiety apparently...

Day 10

so i fucked up with the biggest one by bending her 90 so close to the soil. the next one has 1 - 1.5 inch gap between soil and stem.

Come back next saturday for pictures...

You didn't fuck up dude, you are just learning a better way.
Sending some Karma your way zain! ^_^

:karma Cloud:

It's only day 10 and you WILL make it to harvest :) It's gonna happen ... first go! :)
(because you're in the right place)

edit: I like the sound of your watering plan - just like TaNgs method i think (and that's a good thing!)
Nothing magical here, but try picking up your pots every time - just a little to feel the weight. You very soon get a good idea of how heavy it should be when fully water and how light it is when it needs! :) it's simple but very usefull.

Double edit: Where's your badge dude! :) Lemme sort that out for you - because the girls love a confident grower :rofl:

Triple edit fun: Hit me up when you get to harvest and i'll swap your new member badge for a assimilated badge :)
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didnt realise i get a badge...thanks man the only thing ive been given a badge for is breaking stuff. Like yesterday my parents fridge door wouldnt shut...i get a phone call asking why did i break it!!! ☆☆☆
Blue i have lived up to my name of breaking stuff. You see my picture of LST...well...lets day ive only got 1/5th of it left.....:-( stem snapped in half above the first node..
chopped right off i thought i could push to 90 degrees but i guess not. Hoping it will act as a top and recover but if not...then i have one more left and i promise i will try not to break her.

Literally snapped off....
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Ahh just kidding bro, real sorry to hear about her injury. It just goes to show how fragile they are when they're that little! Best of luck with them both dude.

Keep us updated!
:Sharing One:
With the broken one, i have heard of people repairing similar breaks on seedlings but im not sure if it would work on an auto... they put a bit of elecrical tape around it and attatched it to a toothpick or something to keep it upright. Keep the fan off so it doesnt blow over and maybe it will be able to fix itself. Im not 100% but could be worth a try?
dread its a bit too late for that....the other half got thrown away :-( I thought it was beyond repair...
does anyone reckon that wound will give me two main colas?
does anyone reckon that wound will give me two main colas?
Properly two colas,
Don't worry that much, it,s weed your growing,
Tjeck my CJH in my sig,
She lost her head after the 5.node,
Broke a branch in flower also,
She is going strong atm,