Grow Mediums Looking to buy, got a few questions.


Perfectly Flawed
Oct 15, 2015
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Hi guys, and thanks for stopping in. I have been having a lot of pain, and depression issues that are resulting in my garden suffering. I was thinking about going with the auto pots to ensure watering/feeding gets done properly. I am hoping you guys can help me make sure it is what I want/need, and also what setup to use.

My current setup is a 4x4x6.5 tent 600w hps, and 2 Mars300 (old 5w model) I should be right around 880 watts total. With about 300 watts (actual) more LED to come. I use a super soil, and currently have fabric pots ranging from 1.5g-5g.
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Some questions I have...
  1. How often does the res need to be cleaned using plain water and also for nute solutions?
  2. Can I still use my normal soil, or do I need to switch to hydroton/coco?
  3. Would a 9 pot system (3x3) be to much for a 4x4 area? I normally can run 3-4 wide w/o issues, but I expect the plants to get larger in this system. I have no problem doing heavy LST, but want to be realistic.
  4. If a 9 pot setup would be fine, what size res would be best?
  5. If a 9 pot setup is to much, what would you recommend for my sq footage?
  6. If you are able to suggest how many pots to use, would you also suggest a size pot to use also. (I have a tall tent, so I am more concerned about my sq footage, not cubic)
  7. Can you compare say a 3 gallon autopot to a 3 gallon fabric pot? What kind of size differences did you see? (I'm am not familiar with the autopots sizes, just using 3 gallon for reference)
  8. I really like the idea of their flex tank, can anyone share any experiences with it?
  9. Can you share any negative experiences that where due to the autopot, not the grower?
Alright, I know thats a lot to ask, but I want to be sure before I spend my cash. If there is anything else you want to share please do. Thanks for any helps you guys can give. Till later, take care.
Okay so I did some research about the autopots. I think I would either go with a 4 pot XL system, or a 5 pot regular system. I already have a 35 gallon food grade barrel, so I may just buy the trays/pots and run my own water lines.

I would still like some help answering questions 1,2,7,8,9. Thanks again guys!
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I think we need to get a how to auto pot sticky in this forum. Also a set up guide sticky would be really helpful. Dont you thinK?
With water, I clean at the end of the grow. with nute solution, once a month works fine, but may depend on what nutes you use.

9 pots in a 4x4 would be a total waste! I filled a 4x4 tent using 3 pots of a 4 pot system, harvested over 12 ounces. the pots are 4 gallon not 3, (3.9 gallon ). Done right, auto pots will grow monsters! Depending on the strain you want to grow, you may want to use only one pot! I can tell you one Auto Ultimate can fill a 4x4 tent!

You can use any medium you like. With soil, add 30% perlite. I used the same for coco with good results.

If your using more than 4 pots, the flex tank is a great addition. And go with the 3.9 gallon pots, you'll be happy with them!

Hi guys, and thanks for stopping in. I have been having a lot of pain, and depression issues that are resulting in my garden suffering. I was thinking about going with the auto pots to ensure watering/feeding gets done properly. I am hoping you guys can help me make sure it is what I want/need, and also what setup to use.

My current setup is a 4x4x6.5 tent 600w hps, and 2 Mars300 (old 5w model) I should be right around 880 watts total. With about 300 watts (actual) more LED to come. I use a super soil, and currently have fabric pots ranging from 1.5g-5g.
View attachment 581245 View attachment 581246

Some questions I have...
  1. How often does the res need to be cleaned using plain water and also for nute solutions?
  2. Can I still use my normal soil, or do I need to switch to hydroton/coco?
  3. Would a 9 pot system (3x3) be to much for a 4x4 area? I normally can run 3-4 wide w/o issues, but I expect the plants to get larger in this system. I have no problem doing heavy LST, but want to be realistic.
  4. If a 9 pot setup would be fine, what size res would be best?
  5. If a 9 pot setup is to much, what would you recommend for my sq footage?
  6. If you are able to suggest how many pots to use, would you also suggest a size pot to use also. (I have a tall tent, so I am more concerned about my sq footage, not cubic)
  7. Can you compare say a 3 gallon autopot to a 3 gallon fabric pot? What kind of size differences did you see? (I'm am not familiar with the autopots sizes, just using 3 gallon for reference)
  8. I really like the idea of their flex tank, can anyone share any experiences with it?
  9. Can you share any negative experiences that where due to the autopot, not the grower?
Alright, I know thats a lot to ask, but I want to be sure before I spend my cash. If there is anything else you want to share please do. Thanks for any helps you guys can give. Till later, take care.
Ill just hijack this thread for more questions.

@pop22 you use Autopots with Coco right?
How would you compare a coco Autopot grow vs. a, say, fabric pot grow? Same gal.
Or even vs. a coco dripfeed grow?

Yields, finishing time, simplicity etc etc.
I personally don't like fabric pots, too much work keeping them properly watered! I would say the auto pots have the edge in that water content of the medium is fairly consistent with auto pots, run properly, they never truly dry much and I think this keeps the plants at peak of health. And a lot less work. I imagine a drip feed would be close, but to me, the simplicity of auto pots is superior. Less moving parts, less to break...... production wise, they should be close. Myself, I'm converting to mostly auto pots, except for my DIY self watering pots.

Ill just hijack this thread for more questions.

@pop22 you use Autopots with Coco right?
How would you compare a coco Autopot grow vs. a, say, fabric pot grow? Same gal.
Or even vs. a coco dripfeed grow?

Yields, finishing time, simplicity etc etc.