One More...
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Photo Credit: Ed Perlstein/Redferns/Getty Images​

Today we lost a brother. Our hearts and love go out to Jill Lesh, Brian and Grahame. Phil Lesh was irreplaceable. In one note from the Phil Zone, you could hear and feel the world being born. His bass flowed like a river would flow. It went where the muse took it. He was an explorer of inner and outer space who just happened to play bass. He was a circumnavigator of formerly unknown musical worlds. And more.

We can count on the fingers of one hand the people we can say had as profound an influence on our development - in every sense. And there have been even less people who did so continuously over the decades and will continue to for as long as we live. What a gift he was for us. We won’t say he will be missed, as in any given moment, nothing we do will be without the lessons he taught us - and the lessons that are yet to come, as the conversations will go on.

Phil loved the Dead Heads and always kept them in his heart and mind. The thing is… Phil was so much more than a virtuoso bass player, a composer, a family man, a cultural icon...

There will be a lot of tributes, and they will all say important things. But for us, we’ve spent a lifetime making music with Phil Lesh and the music has a way of saying it all. So listen to the Grateful Dead and, in that way, we’ll all take a little bit of Phil with us, forever.

For this is all a dream we dreamed one afternoon, long ago…

- Mickey, Billy and Bobby​

. #JahBless :pass:
I like running into some of the younger audiophile wannabes who think they got the line on all the music that was good, is good and coming up. Play em In to deep or Fall down then they telling me I'm making it up, no such band when I tell em who it is.
Damn DeSantis held a news conference yesterday morning. Since his group couldn't keep it off the ballot and most polls are coming in above the 60% mark they acting all concerned about the users and pointing out how there's no allowance for home grow in the bills. How wrong and bad it is that you have to buy from a dispo and that the company will be cracking down on anyone trying to grow their own etc etc.....last I heard companies have nothing to do with any kind of enforcement of law.
Good morning everyone :smokeout: :weed:

Getting dressed in a sec so can head out to go setup moms booth at the market! Todays a really big one in a rich town! :eyebrows::headbang::rofl:

She has done this event 2 years in a row already but at a bigger nicer location this year plus its got an added thing of have like 20-30 local whiskey distillers sampling their stuff! Gonna see if anything i wanna eat cuz all the contestants doing the bbq cook off i get a wristband when i drop the parents off that gets me back in for free bbq and booze sampling! Too bad I don’t drink and damn sure not doing it before driving!