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Ya @Frankthetank i am looking forward to ordering a new glass top with a little more volume and the bigger max coil! Just popping that jewel out and putting this cheapo cap in the hole where jewel went makes a big difference!
View attachment 1713663
Can get bigger hits and clear it out waaaay easier so usually 1.5 cycles will clear out a glob vs before i could put in about same as i load in swordfish and could still be pulling small hits on the 3rd cycle! :d5:
I was trying to get rid of the silicone cap altogether….. pressing it down to get a good seal was causing my atomizers to fail (the downward pressure)…. Which is why I started looking at carb caps in the first place. The cheapo one I got works well…. Plenty of airflow, and you can lift it off to clear it, like a regular banger.




um, Guido Sarduci-?....or am i totally not on the right plane here-?...............i'm alwayz the first to admit i've been wrong before :rolleyes2: :smokeit: ppp
Brother I dont know if its spelled right, but i definitely know your close in my mind.
I was trying to get rid of the silicone cap altogether….. pressing it down to get a good seal was causing my atomizers to fail

(first world problemz....:face:ppp)
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