Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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Is this a well that does this every winter, or does it leave you without your normal water supply?
Water comes from a dam through plasic pipe on the ground. There's no chance of burying/insulating, it's rugged terrain with little soil. Feeds both domestic water and hydro-power. Below @ 24F we shut down pre-emptively to avoid damage. Water storage in barrels/buckets in the house.And gas for the generator:crying:
It's usually a few weeks each winter.
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Nippy Christmas here, but it's a sunny one so will be getting the gift of solar warmth from the solarium:thumbsup::pass::cheers:
Cheers my friends!
Too bad it wouldn’t be stable cuz few weeks back I realized I actually have 2 extension kits for my 2x4 so I could have a 2x4x9’ tent but I am thinking that’s a lil on the extreme side unless I put a shelf in and make it into an upper/lower type setup! Also maybe a 2nd cfm kit or something! :shrug: :rofl:
The little tent will still be used. I'm gonna put it in the walk in closet. It will be a perfect drying tent. I could get a cheap inline fan and still use it for sprouting when it was cooler. Not productive enough for cooling there, but still could possibly still use in the current grow room. Still plenty of room, but I have to remove a dresser. That would be ideal and very productive.
I wish my ceilings were higher! I could have the extension on the Gorilla tent that came with it. It would make running some tall sativas much easier.....Asian Haze.:eyebrows: Master has raised center section that would work, but dat ain't happening.

I'd say use it as a cfm kit and have the flexibility to hang stuff off the bars or whatever is needed.
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