Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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Russians were trying to figure out how to soot up the artic ice pack to MELT it to prevent the next ICE AGE!!!!
:funny: :funny: :funny:

Scientific American, and the like, were filled with it and their studies. I remember going to the LIBRARY.....youngsters....that's where lots of info used to be stored in one place, but you had to go to IT.....and doing research for it. I remember giving reports on it in science class! LOL!
I was in the library just last week…..I checked out a compound miter saw lol (no joke….you can check out an assortment of tools):rofl:
Bahaha, nothing to remember, computers still worked and the world didn’t end bahahaha, unless we wanna talk about the Y2K Motorcycle, (think that’s what it’s name, that helo engine bike)View attachment 1400385
Wife was a MCSE certified computer tech for a hospital. The hospital paid me quite the fee to supervise running the generators and boilers that night and a few months prep before hand. Yeah, that side of the house was ill prepared and it was a last minuit rush. And they paid thru the nose!:eyebrows::eyebrows::cools:

Sure could use a little job like that now!


My Festivus greivance with AFN- There are too many good growers on here! and I can't keep up with all the great threads, journals, grows, etc...

hahahaha been a fantastic year with you all. Thanks so much everyone.

Happy Christmas to everyone!
I had a big ol' long haired gray cat that I rescued as a kid from the deer lease cabin. His mom got bit by a rattler, came back to the litter and died. Other kitten died and he was meowing weakly. I guess the momma moved them where she thought they would be found. We never heard a peep before that night we left camp. I had a box we carried some grocery in, so I made him a bed in it. I got some milk in a cup and would dip my finger in and fed him drop by drop. We stopped by the little old German lady's we had the lease with and she gave me a syringe to feed him.

I finally got him fed and he zonked out. Pop had the heater cranked and it was getting warm. I took off my coat and started feeling something on me as I tried to sleep. This little fugger was full of fleas. I guess it got warm enough for them to explore!! Pop turned down the heater and we opened the windows to freeze fuggers away. It helped a little.

To the water influenced post point, I got home and bathed him before I went back to sleep for a couple of hours. He really didn't fight it at all. I guess he realized it was helping him. He LOVED baths from that point on. Silly fugger would bug me every few days for a bath. He would come up to me and get very vocal, rub up against me and walk to my bathroom meowing all the way. :rofl:
The funniest part would be when I didn't follow him. He would peak around the corner and meow . When the goober saw that I was looking at him, he went into this really rapid fire meowing. The first time he did it, I DID roll off the bed! Along with the meowing, he would STRUT in front of me with that really big and bushy tail straight in the air! :rofl::rofl: It was so damn animated and exaggerated. It made it absolutely hilarious.
If he could do that in front of a bunch of some stoned AFN members, we'd have to call an ambulance for oxygen hits from laughing so much.
He was the cat that snuck into the garage when Mom went out to do the wash. It was summer time and he over heated. Poor Mom felt so bad.
anybody else get major satisfaction from cleaning their glass or putting fresh bags on the volcano? More satisfying then cleaning my garage. Wife is gonna be in for some trouble tonight...
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