Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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Oh yeah, you're like Ma and I in that respect. One person in two bodies...Been working together for like 40 years and as far as I can see we add up to one person :rofl:
I told my brother the day after our first date that I met someone who was literally me in male form. Asked him if he thought pursuing it was a bad idea. He said yes, absolutely :rofl: I didn't listen (never do) and it was the best choice I've ever made. We've been together for 4+ years now, living together for 3+. Getting thrust into parenthood was quite an adjustment for him, especially after living on his own and being alone most of the time for years. But he has come through in every way and we make a really great team. Kids were 7, 6, and 3 when we got together, they're 11, 10, and 7 now. He's the only dad #3 has ever known, her bio dad gave me an ultimatum the day I found out I was pregnant and I chose her over him. The boys haven't seen their bio dad since they were 4 and 3, and that was only ever on the weekends he bothered to show, so hubby is the only real dad they've ever known either. Best thing that ever happened to the 4 of us. One of his coworkers was shocked when she realized they weren't his bio kids, apparently he talks about them with more pride in his eyes than most dads do about their own spawn.
This is why we lubricate!

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:kiss: ppp
I told my brother the day after our first date that I met someone who was literally me in male form. Asked him if he thought pursuing it was a bad idea. He said yes, absolutely :rofl: I didn't listen (never do) and it was the best choice I've ever made. We've been together for 4+ years now, living together for 3+. Getting thrust into parenthood was quite an adjustment for him, especially after living on his own and being alone most of the time for years. But he has come through in every way and we make a really great team. Kids were 7, 6, and 3 when we got together, they're 11, 10, and 7 now. He's the only dad #3 has ever known, her bio dad gave me an ultimatum the day I found out I was pregnant and I chose her over him. The boys haven't seen their bio dad since they were 4 and 3, and that was only ever on the weekends he bothered to show, so hubby is the only real dad they've ever known either. Best thing that ever happened to the 4 of us. One of his coworkers was shocked when she realized they weren't his bio kids, apparently he talks about them with more pride in his eyes than most dads do about their own spawn.
We were really lucky to get it right the first time, so managed to avoid most of that drama. We met in high school but got to goof around in the 70's until our son came along.:smoking:Now in the last decade life seems intent on banging us around more so it's good to have a solid partner:thumbsup:
We were really lucky to get it right the first time, so managed to avoid most of that drama. We met in high school but got to goof around in the 70's until our son came along.:smoking:Now in the last decade life seems intent on banging us around more so it's good to have a solid partner:thumbsup:
We got married on 3/13/20 which was the last normal day before everything shut down. Was supposed to be 5/10/20 cause the numbers made me happy lol, but I worked in international business at the time with close relationships with factories in China, Taiwan, and Vietnam so I knew shit was about to hit the fan. With him being in the restaurant business and my job being switched to work from home we ended up having a nice long stay at home honeymoon lol. I had to work so he was stuck doing all the homeschooling (which is hard af for a kindergartener) so I think between that and being together 24/7 for months it was a pretty good test of our relationship :rofl: just shitty cause I was really looking forward to getting to actually have a *real* wedding vs the ever popular "pregnant courthouse wedding" that tends to be so common with marrying into the marines like I had the first time lmfao. Everything was paid for, dress had been bought, the whole nine. Ended up being pretty depressed about it for a while, especially with being in wedding groups on Facebook at the time and seeing people going on with their plans with not a care in the world and no regard for anything but their dream weddings. When the self important bitches started throwing shit fits about venues closing and their guests not showing up I had to nope out of there, as it just put me into an absolute blind rage. I can't stand selfish people and something about weddings seems to being out the very worst in people. Hubby is still set on having a wedding celebration *eventually* which means I'm stuck either sticking to staying 120lbs to keep the dress the right size, or having to lose weight again in prep. Thankfully my meds keep me from being hungry for the most part (till he gets home from work at least) so keeping the weight in a workable zone hasn't been too hard. I'm rambling lol. All in all it really helps to have a partner who understands why you are the way you are and how your mental issues impact your life etc, and can be gentle and compassionate in dealing with them. This is by far the longest I've ever liked anyone lol and way beyond the longest anyone has been able to stand me and my extended downs and random rapid cycling ups and downs (as illustrated by my borderline unhinged posts yesterday lol). The fact that he's just as much of a Stoner as I am is a big ole plus too lol. Tomorrow is going to suck cause he's going to be working a 12+ hour shift for the first time since we got married and will undoubtedly come home grumpy af, and I'm going to have to spend the evening with my whole family without my emotional support husband. Rather tempted to bring the Suki pup along but my dad is allergic and I'm sure grandma would be less than thrilled to have her there, but she *is* my service dog after all and I'm more than likely going to need her support as my family tends to set off my ptsd and anxiety almost effortlessly lol.
I'm pretty sure I'm the baby of LS lol. I'm always either the baby or the oldest in every friend group I'm in. Online of course, since I don't have real life friends :rofl: well besides hubby. But we're basically the same person split into two bodies and we're contractually obligated to spend time together lmao. But really neither of us like doing stuff without the other so there's that. But even he's got 54 weeks shy of a decade on me :rofl:
My wife and I are like that, too. We've been together for a decade now.
You may actually be the baby of LS. Then again, Son of Hobbes looks pretty young, too.
I began to realize the differences in ages when I joined. I noticed there were folks talking about stuff that happened two and three decades before I was born, And well... It made me realize why the other canna forums are such a shitshow in comparison to AFN. This one isn't full of young punks that managed a crappy grow and think they're the shit now... This is full of "elders" that know their stuff lol.
My wife and I are like that, too. We've been together for a decade now.
You may actually be the baby of LS. Then again, Son of Hobbes looks pretty young, too.
I began to realize the differences in ages when I joined. I noticed there were folks talking about stuff that happened two and three decades before I was born, And well... It made me realize why the other canna forums are such a shitshow in comparison to AFN. This one isn't full of young punks that managed a crappy grow and think they're the shit now... This is full of "elders" that know their stuff lol.
Agree 100% lol, I've always gotten along better with people who are older than myself, in general they seem to be far less drama inducing than people my age or younger. Much rather learn from people who have been smoking longer than my mom has been alive lmfao, than from younger people who don't bother to take the time to find the real science and do their legitimate research on what really works.
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