I told my brother the day after our first date that I met someone who was literally me in male form. Asked him if he thought pursuing it was a bad idea. He said yes, absolutely

I didn't listen (never do) and it was the best choice I've ever made. We've been together for 4+ years now, living together for 3+. Getting thrust into parenthood was quite an adjustment for him, especially after living on his own and being alone most of the time for years. But he has come through in every way and we make a really great team. Kids were 7, 6, and 3 when we got together, they're 11, 10, and 7 now. He's the only dad #3 has ever known, her bio dad gave me an ultimatum the day I found out I was pregnant and I chose her over him. The boys haven't seen their bio dad since they were 4 and 3, and that was only ever on the weekends he bothered to show, so hubby is the only real dad they've ever known either. Best thing that ever happened to the 4 of us. One of his coworkers was shocked when she realized they weren't his bio kids, apparently he talks about them with more pride in his eyes than most dads do about their own spawn.