Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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I know, and the plants look great. Seen a bunch of people on here with a whole variety of awesome looking plants. Just saying it's not exactly an in depth look at anything specific but more general stuff. Feel like they had so much more info to happily share then they had time is all. Not meant to be a knock on it, but it was interesting and I wanted more. Would've watched it all if it was 45 mins
We aired a dozen or so episodes. Hoping to bring it back soon. It's been about a year since we last updated.
Nah...never laughing At you....but I Keep Thinking...have we got WillBill or MildBill today.........?........:tonic:..depends on if you have had your coffee or not......:pighug:

We are a Med forum...pain makes you Prickly....:shrug:..happens to the Best of us.....could be my turn tomorrow...:pass:..winter is a nightmare for sickies..
Naaaaaaa............It was meant to be a joke. The stick-poke smilie
is for poking fun
Long as nobody’s mailing me an anthrax laced letter! :thumbsup:
Prob good thing nobody mails letters anymore! :rofl:

Unless you got the dog to lick the envelope glue.........................:eyebrows:...............

Good morning everyone! I just wanted to say you folks are awesome. I was perusing a different cannabis site and everyone is brutal. Lots of bickering and trolling. Some comments are hilarious, I will give them that.

Wanted to say thank you for all of the info I have amassed and future ino.
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