Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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I thought about getting one, but decided against it, knowing me I would be off day dreaming while waiting on it to grind, and then I would just have powdered green :rofl:

Smoking rollies...I prefer a fine grind...if it is to damp or lumpy it makes a hard draw...............:pass:

Also....a lot of my girls are/have been seeded...and seeds in the rollie is a Hot coffee grinder lets me take it down fine enough to use bud that might not usually burn well.....:headbang: ..method in me madness.......
Smoking rollies...I prefer a fine grind...if it is to damp or lumpy it makes a hard draw...............:pass:

Also....a lot of my girls are/have been seeded...and seeds in the rollie is a Hot coffee grinder lets me take it down fine enough to use bud that might not usually burn well.....:headbang: ..method in me madness.......
I’ll have to find the post again on IG, but seen an electrical grinder that’s at the top, but the bottom tube holds a cone, so as it’s grinding, it’s also dumping the flower into the cone. Thought that was pretty cool.
If I end up doing it I'll be sure to document the process!
I'm in the process with my current grow, if I understand the question.

Autopots work just fine with soil, as long as the pot is big enough if you want to go water only. They also work with soil and salt nutes, but then you are back fighting with nute buildup/balance which some peeps manage most of the time, and others (me included) repeatedly run into problems. The issue with larger pots and water only is that the xl fabric pots that fit the autopot trays are still on the small side, so if you want to run with a large pot, you have to rig up a different flood tray, which I did for this grow.

The grow is here:

Ok...Evening kittens, was a bad night n morning and was in one of my anti-sicial-I'll fvcking kill ya- moods this morning.......Sooooo...It was a tad bit chill, but better than the morning before, coffee?...freaking good as usual ( cause I make it special). dealing with wife while getting shopping list together and doing laundry and she is still arguing about not going to the doctor which she was supposed to today but neglected to tell me so I'm dressed, ready, bugging her to get ready 30 min before we should leave then It's... Oh, I called and cancelled the appntmnt......I'm afraid she's gonna keep playing around and end up losing her other leg before it's over....
Bloody hell mate what a morning. No one needs that shit. Good luck with it, I hope your wife gets things sorted. The best vibes OF can send are headed your way. :pighug:
See, what y’all think about this layout, did share in live chat, but know some peeps, it’s not thier cup of tea, so I’ll share here tooView attachment 1397789 Layout for the upcoming GreenHouse
Me Jealous. You bet. Looks good to my eye. My one suggestion is go big or stay home on the fan and ventilation arrangements, especially for our favorite plant. I would make one or two sides roll up like the commercial greenhouses to let the wind blow through when needed. Mould is a huge issue with lots of plants in a greenhouse.

A couple years back a friend of mine asked me if I would check plants in his friend's greenhouse for him to let him know if they were ready. The guy with the greenhouse had been gifted a pile of seeds which to give him credit, he had successfully grown about twenty or so to late flowering. The greenhouse was maybe thirty feet or so by 15, as in big. No fan vent, hardly any large openings other than the door, and the entire ceiling and walls were streaming with water. The entire crop was already rotten. He ended up spending a few hours trying to salvage a bit of bud, but ended up putting the rest in garbage bags and inviting the seed donator to fill his boots. Twenty or so plants, maybe a half dozen doobies if that, and I would not have vaped a bud of it.

Think ventilation, lots of it. :pighug: :goodluck:
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