Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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ok kidz, grab yer forkz & platez & clear the aislez, cuz it'z time for the Caturday metal buffet! :kitty: :stir: it'z all done -> FOR THE LOVE OF METAL! :headbang: ppp

Your plants will Appreciate it @Olderfart .....:watering:..........
So far, they like the harvested water a hell of a lot better than the cistern water alternative. No surprise there given that our cistern water is about 400EC with who knows what. Anyway, as of the snow harvest this morning, I have one full barrel, and one about two thirds. And it is still snowing, so two full barrels may happen later today. I may not even need more than that to complete the grow! :biggrin:
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