Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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I have too much experience with leaking valves. A low rise 3x3 flood table will easily hold the regular rez full with 4 plants inside. Or washing machine trays or plastic tubs... They do leak pretty slow when they leak so it would probably take a couple days to leak that amount out from a valve or 2
I have had exactly one leak event in over two years with these valves, and that was during this grow about a week ago. I got very lucky, and caught it before it did anything more than a small puddle on the basement floor. I am still not sure what happened, but given the 5 micron filtration I'm using, plus the fact that I am putting only water through the valves, I can't see how junk in the float valve could have been the problem. Just before the leak started, I had removed and replaced the valve from the tray, so my current suspicion is that in replacing the valve in the tray, I somehow partially flooded the inner float so it could not close tightly. I will never know.

However, I have been watching that valve like a hawk since I cleaned up, and it works perfectly now. So far so good anyway, and the res has been on for a couple days now. Initially, I turned off the water overnight so I could see how it behaved, but not lately because there is no sign of a problem.

I like the idea of a flood tray as big as the reservoir, and may set that up for the next grow. In the meantime, I may opt to use a smaller reservoir rather than the full barrel the grow is hooked up to now. Still not done though. Procrastination eh? What could go wrong? :biggrin:


DA ASS!!!!!!



Evidently, I keep underestimating the power of green canna butter I made from the remains of a dry ice shake from my summer Asian Haze.
It's a good thing it doesn't happen on dayze I have important things to do!:funny:
Good Morfnoevight All you Caturday Cool Cats.

a cool cat.png

Anu say's It is lunch time!


Good morning Mossy!

I just drink occasionally, no drinks this weekend so I’m fit for life :coffee:

Going to fix little in my new growspace today for the DWC-grow, cover the walls with aluminium and start germing some seeds.


It is better to just paint walls white. Aluminum can reflect hot spots and voids. I use Orca Grow Film in my grow space.
Good Morfnoevight All you Caturday Cool Cats.

View attachment 1391417

Anu say's It is lunch time!

View attachment 1391421

It is better to just paint walls white. Aluminum can reflect hot spots and voids. I use Orca Grow Film in my grow space.

Had a roll of it just laying around


Damn you, now i have to reconsider what to do and i have just 2 days to set it up :biggrin:

The Wall has this color now...

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