Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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Happy Thanksgiving Stoners
Here's a little Samsquanch og bush
Man I’m officially stuffed to the brim! Gonna have to bolt from my sisters soon or I’m gonna go into a turkey coma and I won’t wanna drive the 50 miles home! As always this is best part of the meal! :yay:

Of course pumpkin pie but the other is a homemade peanut butter pie and it’s to die for! Got that chocolate on top and peanut butter drizzle! Thing was super rich but oh so heavenly!!!!:woohoo1::headbang:
I would post some food pictures but the heathens ate everything. You go into the man cave to smoke some bowls and you come back with the munchies and everything is gone.
I would post some food pictures but the heathens ate everything. You go into the man cave to smoke some bowls and you come back with the munchies and everything is gone.
Were you an only child :crying:. Regular occurrence at our house especially bacon.
Correction all bad things said about the wife are in jest she hid me three pieces of pie.
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