Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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If you want to reach 1k faster I can post each leaf in my tent that has a deficiency:smoking:

welp, we're goin for 1200 this time, many plantz u got-? :crying: ppp
Doing the flood test on the autopot trays.....fingers deep does it get in the trays without pots in them?
Edit:......Appears to have stopped filling, 10 min. now and still sitting about 1 inch deep in the pot area.
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Wow this thread is so long I had to take a lunch break.

Good Morfnoevight all you TGIF types and happy Friday to the rest of us who don't care or can't remember what day it is.

We'll spend the weekend Comforting the dogs......... :pass: ...they are Petrified of the fireworks.....

The Spanish celebrate the Day of the Dead ..1st Nov.......Tradition cannot get Near a Cemetry...the car parks are stowed out.

They all visit with flowers....then have food and fireworks.

We are far enough from town not to get any Halloween visits.....:headbang:

Must admit...Halloween is not a big thing here.
Each supermarket gets 10 pumpkins in...and a few mixed bags of scarey sweets...and that is it......:biggrin:
Halloween is my wife's favorite holliday and she was absolutely thrilled at her party this year. She is hoping for many Trick or Treaters this year.

Thanks for the tip on the bud candy. Been giving it to the girls once a week for the last three weeks. :thumbsup:

How often do you dose your girls?:stir:
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I add it to my reservoir one time at the recommended dose/gallon two weeks before harvest. It is an addative to the base nutrient mix and goes into the rock wool cubes 100% the first day, 50% the second day and 25% the third day. This is the effect of how I cycle my reservoir. I use about 50% of 11 gallons a day and then top it off with the base nutrients no additives. So the amount of the Bud Candy still in the reservoir is diluted as time goes on during the week until the next res change when it will not be in the mix. That week before harvest I do the same thing with molasses.

So use it just once is what I do.
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