Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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I just tripped on all of these stories about difficult children and "you all" are blessed that my brother and I were not your children. Back then you could still see the belt on a bare ass - I know! You know it never tamed me or my brother; it just made us get smarter. :rofl:
I just tripped on all of these stories about difficult children and "you all" are blessed that my brother and I were not your children. Back then you could still see the belt on a bare ass - I know! You know it never tamed me or my brother; it just made us get smarter. :rofl:
Usually they're pretty good, its more just frustrating neurodivergent stuff. Like, the not understanding how to break down a tasks into steps, when it seems so obvious to an adult who has mostly learned how to navigate that process.
Usually they're pretty good, its more just frustrating neurodivergent stuff. Like, the not understanding how to break down a tasks into steps, when it seems so obvious to an adult who has mostly learned how to navigate that process.
We did not have any barriers to learning. We just needed to learn the errors of our ways; so we would not get caught doing that again.

Our parents were not engaged with us like you are to your children. We had a Nanny that tended to a lot of things like meals, clothes and bedding. She ironed clothes endlessly. My older sisters "baby sat" us also :rofl:. We had fun times with them.

You are a good mom to see these problems. :goodluck:
We did not have any barriers to learning. We just needed to learn the errors of our ways; so we would not get caught doing that again.

Our parents were not engaged with us like you are to your children. We had a Nanny that tended to a lot of things like meals, clothes and bedding. She ironed clothes endlessly. My older sisters "baby sat" us also :rofl:. We had fun times with them.

You are a good mom to see these problems. :goodluck:
Just trying to be the parent I needed, honestly. Its *hard* when you have to unlearn what you grew up thinking a parent was supposed to be like, while parenting at the same time. I hate yelling, but its how I was raised so I have to actively work to keep my cool. Not surprising but they respond a hell of a lot better to reason than to brute force and shame. Its not that hard to explain the "why" behind rules or requests, and once they understand that they're good at listening and following the rules. Because I said so never worked on me, still doesn't. Arbitrary rules are dumb. Like, I used to get told to clean my room and I wasn't allowed out if it till I was done. But I didn't understand the steps that went into it so it was just super overwhelming. So now I still have this terrible aversion to it, not cause I don't want to do it but because I've got this huge mental block stemming from that. My family gets mad that I *gasp* make them do things for themselves but I just want them to not be totally lost on how to do stuff when they're grown. I've been there and it's not fun and honestly I still feel like I should be better at stuff that people normally think is no big deal.
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