Hubby is from AZ. Its a no go for us as I'm super allergic to Juniper and apparently thats typically the cause of valley fever.
I was there a few years and never got that crap. I did catch flu there in 2010 or so..............the same time of the big VA Hospital debacle came out. I saw and experienced the BS first hand.
That was the last time I had flu and was the first time I had contracted the crap well over 30 years.
On the VA Hospital topic:
I went to the ER sick as a dog, for me. Since getting injured in the military, any time I have any sort of infection or fever, the pain in those injured areas always goes nuts. That was the biggest reason I was there. I waited two hours after checking in before I went back up to the triage widow. They hadn't even done my vitals to make much of a triage determination. When I asked what was the hold up and why my vitals haven't even been taken, I was pretty surprised by this bitches reply.
"You can always go to the county hospital and wait there for at least 24 hours to be seen,"
The top of my head BLEW! I was lucky to reign in my rage that was VERY quickly brewing. It would not have been very good for her if I had not.
"Lady, you better kiss and hug your family when you go home today! You have been granted a pardon for that insane comment!"
"If not for me digging VERY deeply and repressing my instincts and training, you would be laying dead on the floor with a broken neck or dying very slowly from a crushed larynx while still conscious and knowing that you are dying."
"You might want to adjust your attitude towards your Veteran patients. You may come along someone that can't control their rage from your inconsiderate and disrespectful comment to the people that have put their lives on the line for your safety!"
I said all this in a volume to make sure everyone in earshot could hear.....even people outside! I turned and left the building......followed by the VA Police on foot. As I'm approaching my truck, more of the idiots approach me from a different direction on foot.
In my younger days, I probably would have been quite amused by these morons and probally would have just started laughing at them and just drove off.............too tempting to just stand and have a bit of fun physically standing my ground. That silly crap was long since gone by then, but I still had to do something to these assmunches.
I get to my truck, raise the tonneau cover, let the tailgate down, sat down and pulled my phone out. A very good friend that worked at the local TV station, so I dialed her number and put her on speaker.

................and I also started to vid what was going down,

She answers with her TV station name and title.

"Hey Sweets! How quick can you get a crew down to the VA hospital? I've got a hot tip for you on a developing story that breaking right now.
She asked what was going down, so I quickly gave it to her.
I could hear one moron get on the radio to relay what was going on to the boss. When she said that she could be there in 10 min, I looked directly at the idiot with the squawker, smiled and gave him a

I was fully expecting for them to actually stay until a tv crew could get there. The Boss pussed out and told them to retreat , but to get my license plate.
I got into the truck and hollared at the guy, "Hey! Be sure to get these
Texas license plates! They'll sure do you f*cking morons a lot of good where to find me in f*cking Arizona!"
As I drove off, I gave him a 'sign' of what I thought his IQ was.

you!! See what
YOU started!