Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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Mornin mossy!

Almost - still got three more days before I'm back home.

I tried to smuggle a weeks worth of thc thru the airport the best way I knew how - in my bloodstream...but I think it may have worn off :frowny:

Oh that's a bummer @Bruce Campbell .........:pass:....if you were close...I'd roll you a stash to get you through......

Cloudy sky makes the mountains surrounding us stand out black....... :pass: ...

I'm Thinking.........:chef:...chicken legs left from yesterday.....gravy left over from yesterday.......slathered over some crunchy chips..............Sounds Spot On for Brunch......if anyone is dropping over.....

Low on effort...high on taste........yum.....
Morning kittens....60f on the front porch, coffee superb.....easy day planned, and a couple shots of the girls.


And that's after a good defoliation on Friday when I switched pots around. Could swear I heard Suki's voice in the background.."just one more, just one more"
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Beginning to think 3 autopots in that 2x4 is gonna be the max I can have which might be best as most seed sellers have 3 and 5 packs.
Depending on the strain and if it’s known to get big, One plant may be the max.
Man…. I screwed up and one of three seedlings wilted over Christmas. That’s what I get for not flushing my medium after the last grow haha. Poor thing couldn’t handle a buttload of residual nutes and whatnot lol
No biggie, Though. I’ve got about a hundred seeds still, So I’ll pop another one and go back to coco in a few days. Growing in soil has given me more issues than coco coir ever did.
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