Games not til 8/20Whizz up @Fermented_Fruitz!? You score that jersey(s)?
Only one hot dog, you on a diet.
Thanks.Nice save on the pads, sounds like a terrible task.
If I could pick your brain a little:
So, if I put flower into the oil first, heat/infuse, strain, then heat/decarb the remaining oil that is the best way to do it?
Would a crockpot work with a water bath if it gets hot enough? I have an IR thermometer I can test with. Or a decent size toaster oven if it holds temp evenly. I know there are several decarb & infusion machines out there, I'm just a bit swamped with buying bits and pieces to invest in one yet. Picked up a wood moisture meter and some grove bags this week.
We all grieve differently, I did not miss my dad until ~7 years after his death then I felt a profound sense of loss. I cherish the few personal items of his that I own, I go through them occasionally and have only fond memories of him now. He has been gone almost 30 years now yet he never really left me. I would like to tell you it gets easier but.................They will be missed everyday. But I own the family home now and because my dad put so much work in it. Everything here reminds me of them. At first I didn't like I know I will probably die here
Breathe ...and Hold it for 10 seconds....let it out....
Breathe in..and hold it for 15 seconds...let it out...
Breathe in ....hold it for 20....let it out........
if i tried all that, i wouldn't be able to "let it out".....cuz i'd be fuckin deadppp