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NW sunny day of chop.
Left: wedding
Right Skystomper 2


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Afternoon @PinkyNotTheBrain :bighug: ... how you hanging......?........

I'm so dying to regerm....I thought the plot next door would be attracting I've held off.....but it could be months.... or years...

So it is under consideration......:pass:... how you coming on with yours.......?......:growing:
Im ok :pass::bighug:burnin one in the front hallway now.. o im dyin to germ some too... Ive got at least one little sprout left in the yard... 3 weeks but it looks like a few days old. It was kinda of a throw them in n pray situation cuz i gotta rely on asking someone to water and on mother nature... I think animals dug up the others. We have that problem with sprouts in the veggies garden too. U can kinda see where they dig up exactly where the roots are and not anywhere else .
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