welllllll, i suppoze it dependz on if ur name is Schrodinger or not :coffee: :kitty: ppp
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So would it have a positive or negative effect if I threw this in a 4x4 tent?
Plants can only take so much DLI…. After that you’re wasting money on electricity…. Why not just get the correct tent to go with the light and enjoy the extra space for more plants?
So would it have a positive or negative effect if I threw this in a 4x4 tent?

wellllll, seein as how itz described as bein for a 6x6 tent, then the #1 negative effect i see is gettin it to fit inside a 4x4 tent............i mean, jus sayin :coffee: ppp
Plants can only take so much DLI…. After that you’re wasting money on electricity…. Why not just get the correct tent to go with the light and enjoy the extra space for more plants?
Good point.
Plants can only take so much DLI…. After that you’re wasting money on electricity…. Why not just get the correct tent to go with the light and enjoy the extra space for more plants?
U can run the light dimmed and its more efficient on both the diodes and the electric bill! And the light will last longer not running full blast and will make less heat…if that’s an issue like it is for me! I have the mars fce8000 in 4x4 and usually can stay 60-70% on dimmer and depending how tall plants get!
Good Morfnoevight All! EO on TB but not for long.

High carb start today, Hashbrown potatoes and some granola with my mycelium yogurt.


The Ham and cheese omelet was off the chart to day. Potatoes are some of the worst foods for glycemic index and load depending on variety of the potato and how prepared. There is a lot of controversy over them as they are also a very good food and fiber source. For me it is on the top of the bad for me chart as my blood sugar will rise sharply and remain high for many hours. If I consume it for dinner my BS will still be high the next morning. That said sometimes you just gotta have some!

Hey dumb question.
A new friend of mine raises horses...
So how much manure would I need for, Say a 36"x 36" raised garden to make the soil "potent" enough to turn a 1/2lb strain into a 1lb+ strain? Lol
Horse manure needs to be composted for at least 6 month if just sitting undisturbed. Well composted 2 inches over the top and worked in shallow will be great for your soil.
Anything better to use than coffee filters to strain and squeeze out Green Dragon juice? The coffee filters tear even double or tripled up. Cheesecloth?
Grease filters work great!

greese filter.jpg
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So would it have a positive or negative effect if I threw this in a 4x4 tent?
As long as you can dim this fixture it will work great. By running it at less than maximum it will be more efficient.