64 and raining here at the moment, high of 78…. Then back to 100 tomorrow :doh: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :pass:

mmm....welp, startin tomorrow nite, it'z suppozed to rain all....fucking....week :nono: but, not a day over 84 is forecast, so there'z that :shrug: ppp
Good Morfnoevight All! EO on TB.

Farm Market :greencheck:
Gluten Free Bakery :greencheck:

Happy Caturday!

It might be a little early but I am going to get the grow space ready. The temperature is headed in the right direction now. I have been using all of my power generation for AC with none left over for the grow lights. :jump: The swamp cooler can handle the days below 100 comfortably and uses only a 10nth of the power needed for AC.


If I had to pay PG&E to power the lights it would cost more than the value of the crop. Without getting into the politics of power in this state, ALL of the politicians are in PG&E's debt. The base rate when I got my solar system was around .30kWh now it is .468kWh and has three tiers up to over .72kWh. My lights put me in the top tier. Many small businesses have closed this summer and they all say due to power bills too fucking high.