I’m waiting for the rain to stop so we can go for a walk…. Planning on catching the race later. Pretty good season going….Watching Unadilla MX qualifying @Frankthetank
I’m waiting for the rain to stop so we can go for a walk…. Planning on catching the race later. Pretty good season going….Watching Unadilla MX qualifying @Frankthetank
There's a strain called Deadite?@Bruce Campbell - here's another recommendation for fast growers - seems like Sawney may have some fast ones.
All of @Sawney_bean strains have names you would dig…. And they’re all fire!!!There's a strain called Deadite?
Why has no one told me this before?!?
There's a couple, go back 1 page for the pictures, and he mentioned one back a few pages back called SKOOSH (i think)There's a strain called Deadite?
Why has no one told me this before?!?
Both of them are my f1 " replica breeding stock"Im popping a Banana Daddy and a Purple Moon rocks in a cpl hrs. 5 gal fabrics should net me a nice bounty of quality meddys
He's got one called Boomstick tooThere's a strain called Deadite?
Why has no one told me this before?!?