Good Morfnoevight All! EO on TB.

Went to a farm in Reedley, CA and picked up some Nectarines to make jam. so I will be busy for a few hours.

U did see he quoted himself right?
I was in the wrong.. I'm just so frustrated. I just want to talk about it and not be asked if I'm all right. That's how I ended up in a mental hospital. For just trying to grow the best medicine in the world and if I can get residual information that might help some body reduce our reliance on fossil fuels 1% it would all be worth it. All I want to is grow my weed and do my test alone or with some friends write down all my results and pass on my information on for somebody complete. Yall could help me with my research and probably love it. Or I could show one of your trust members some that could be patented and make this site a lot of money. Only thing is I don't won't alot of money all I want to do is test my theories I can do that now. But everytime I try and get get some help they think I'm crazy. The only help I need is some one that wants to grow good weed while I run some tests.
I thought yall would understand easier then this

No worries man! I thought you were referring to the AI reply as stupid, not me. All good dude. Just checking you were fooling with AI again, I know you've had some hard things to deal with.

:pass: You can come smoke the banana skins with me anytime.
No worries man! I thought you were referring to the AI reply as stupid, not me. All good dude. Just checking you were fooling with AI again, I know you've had some hard this to deal with.

:pass: You can come smoke the banana skins with me anytime.
I owe you one. Anything you need just ask..I'm truly sorry. The only thing money is good for is compost. But because of the way things are I need a little bit to save my dead father's house. If I didn't need the money I would have never opened my mouth like usual