Ya he was super popular when i was a young whippersnapper but then got into drugs and fell off! Started to kinda make a comeback cuz I remember he got sober and i know i saw a series that was called the 2 Corey’s about him and Corey Haim’s relationship at the time but Haim was still on drugs bad so show was short lived and he died soon after! Then Feldman seemed to just become a delusional weirdo! Heard on sports radio them making fun of him the other day and played some video of him saying he was supposed to be the next coming of Michael Jackson (who apparently taught him all his secrets) but he said no thanks i will make it on my own….and proceeded to never make that happen!

This is the longest thing I've ever read about Cory Feldman in my life :nono::doh:
Ya he was super popular when i was a young whippersnapper but then got into drugs and fell off! Started to kinda make a comeback cuz I remember he got sober and i know i saw a series that was called the 2 Corey’s about him and Corey Haim’s relationship at the time but Haim was still on drugs bad so show was short lived and he died soon after! Then Feldman seemed to just become a delusional weirdo! Heard on sports radio them making fun of him the other day and played some video of him saying he was supposed to be the next coming of Michael Jackson (who apparently taught him all his secrets) but he said no thanks i will make it on my own….and proceeded to never make that happen!

Good eveninh Thin amd Thick leaf varietals.
Taco Tuesday…beneath the layers of meat, cheese spinach and tomato is a bed of refried beans which cannot ne seen, but assured did indeed taste wonderful in this trio of Tuesday tacos
