I have about an oz of Sour Stomper left that was harvested 18 months ago and still feels smells and tastes like fresh. Grove bags kept in a 60 degrees wine fridge are unbeatable in my opinion.

View attachment 1696442
Looks like a baby ready to make u a resupply is hiding in there! ;)

Its not letting me add a photo at the moment but i had it circled in case u didn’t see it!
Speaking of @420Forever whats going on with that? Try to upload a photo and it comes back saying a server error occurred! That last post with a photo it would only let me upload the 1 but then kept giving me same notice and now every attempt its doing it!
Looks like a baby ready to make u a resupply is hiding in there! ;)

It’s not letting me add a photo at the moment but i had it circled in case u didn’t see it!
It must be an effect from the light.
FF I’m guessing you saw this?
