Good morning @Mossy hope youre having an awesome day! Thanks for the rainbow! 🌈 im at work killing time on youtube. Did you know theres a version of Superman who is a rabbit and his name is Captain Carrot? Well you do now, lol.

Morning @KingRatt :bighug: .. #SharingOne :pass:

Boris in cuteness overload.......:pighug:
Good morning my fellow cannabis aficionados :coffee2: :jointman: :shooty::d5:

Morning @DoobieGrows ....
200w (9).gif
. #PotsHot. :coffee:
They are basically doubling in size every day. I love growing weed. It is what makes me happy. I always wanted to grow when I was younger I even bought the Jorge Cervantes growing bible back in 2001 and I bought a bunch of aluminum foil and 2 hps lights but I bought the wrong ballast. Good thing I never tried it because I probably would have started a 🔥.