I would be looking for signs of an infection… first. :pass: His body may be run down because his immune system is working in overdrive to fight something off…. Look for redness, swelling, warm to the touch areas etc…. A quick capillary refill test on his finger nail will give you an idea if he’s dehydrated….

Cheers @Frankthetank ... :bighug: ... that's what I'm thinking...he is on antibiotics..and pain killers and anti clotting injections..a lot for a body to take....:pass:

Hello to you n Dude. Feeling the weather too, temps dropping and a bit drizzly here this morning . Smokin trim watching Pioneer Woman getting hungry:doh:

Afternoon @PinkyNotTheBrain :bighug:...your girl is looking good...will she finish outdoor....?...
Cheers @Frankthetank ... :bighug: ... that's what I'm thinking...he is on antibiotics..and pain killers and anti clotting injections..a lot for a body to take....:pass:

Afternoon @PinkyNotTheBrain :bighug:...your girl is looking good...will she finish outdoor....?...
Ya these antibiotics kick my ass. Got nothing in the energy department

Uuuuhhh idk maybe. I think she's still got a few weeks so it will be cutting it close. Im not even sure what seed that one is so im not sure what to expect .
Need to get an indoor going again. Going to be a loooong rough winter with not working.
So, both my boys went on a wheeler ride called the “buck run” in our area. 2/3 of the way thru my one boy rolled his on its side and blasted his elbow. Spent 2.5 hrs at ER for it. Hairline fracture and has to wear a sling. The other boy (twins) jumped off his in a mud hole and tweaked his ankle. Well this AM he can barely walk in it so he is at ER awaiting X-ray to see if it’s broken. lol but not really… oh to be young and stupid!