
Found the last jar of Stone Dragon #2

It’s got both first and second press in it, so it looks like these dabs were brought to you by Reese’s….. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :lildab:
I told you about my condition @Frankthetank do you remember? Last night I had an attack again.
I steamed it by squatting over the rice cooker
Wearing a curtain as a skirt sort of to collect the steam towards the problem area
I the neighbors kids saw me through the living room window
I was grimacing in pain
In Vegas when I was young and had only eaten those free gamblers buffets for a week I am almost certain my butthole was making words, asking me to kill it. Crying out for help. My wife heard it too, but she just thought I was a pig. The other people in the taxi didn't comment but just ignored me.

I just obviously haven't smoked enough dope yet....... :pass: ... I'm working on it....... :biggrin: