Exploding beepers and walkie talkies! Good thing that didn't happen in the 90s. I'd be missing a leg! :rofl: Had two, one for incoming and one that was altered to simulate the tone of a quarter going into a pay phone. Just hold it up to the voice part of the receiver

I own a lot of walkie-talkies. I... don't know why.

And man, like who named that shit. "Walkie-Talkie."

"We need to come up with a name for this portable, battery-powered transceiver that transmits and receives radio waves allowing people to communicate wirelessly. Ted, do you have any ideas?"


Exploding beepers and walkie talkies! Good thing that didn't happen in the 90s. I'd be missing a leg! :rofl: Had two, one for incoming and one that was altered to simulate the tone of a quarter going into a pay phone. Just hold it up to the voice part of the receiver