Evening Stonerz

Please tell me this is not TMV. These leaves (bottom of plant) weren't healthy from the beginning. Now that the clones have mostly established themselves I felt I could cut them off.
I don't know much about tmv :shrug:

you sure it's not a P issue?:pass:
Dunno. They are on the same brand of nutes that I always use.

The leaves were like this (less) when I got them from the nursery. He is a tobacco smoker so there is that possibility.
Dunno. They are on the same brand of nutes that I always use.

The leaves were like this (less) when I got them from the nursery. He is a tobacco smoker so there is that possibility.

You wanted me to tell you it wasn't so I was trying :doh: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: It doesn't look like TMV to me most the pics I see of it the leaves have curl/twist. Looks more like the P def pictures and I don't believe it's spread that way :shrug::pass:
