Well...the free help was due back today.... :pass: ....the Princess peed all over the floor.. again last night... Then kept me up most of the night...
Then hubby got up sick..and went back to bed.....

So...we cancelled the free help......:pass:...

Such is life huh....?...... getting good at whistling.......

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You guys made me do something stupid. I was reading and reading and I sort of.. Started believing your absolutely nonsense. I did do a ton of acid and shit in the nineties and I suffered some head trauma during a Pearl Jam concert in 2000.

Anyhow. I have bought a brand spanking new quality pHen and some bawls of upsie and downsie.

I'm joining the pHarade. Soon I'll be allergic to magnetic fields and shit and get aura massages too.

I will need A LOT of help. Stuff should arrive today.

Or it'll be like my divorcepapers and I'll just put it somewhere and get high and think about more fun things instead.
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Felt good to have that off my chest and into the lap of absolute strangers. Thank you and good morning.
Hope it works for you! Dont forget to calibrate before use! Make sure to read the instructions as they all do the same thing but work a little differently, different buttons amd stuff.
Yeah, still got the good ol' strips too. Its messing with the liquids WAITING and stirring and checking and having to calibrate back and 💩 that has me wrecked.

Noggin....:pighug:... I'm sure I had mine a couple of years before I recalibrated...and it was Spot On still.....:headbang:...you know if I can do it easily..it is simple..switch on....dunk....done...:headbang:

Morning @KingRatt :pass:. #SharingOne... You finding your way around site alright.......?....
Yeah, still got the good ol' strips too. Its messing with the liquids WAITING and stirring and checking and having to calibrate back and 💩 that has me wrecked.
In trying my hand at using beneficials to make my nutrients available to the plants but i stil check my ph and by pure luck when im done making my nutrients they ar almost always where they should be anyway. I know my soil ph is alittle high likes to hang around 7ish and molasses drops the ph of my nutrient solution like crazy somewhere around low 5s so ive been lucky. If you are doing hydro ph is everything. But if youre having trouble with ph’ing nutrients all the time and wild fluctuations, check out living soil organics and beneficial fungi and bacteria, supposedly if you colonize your rootzo e well and feed the micros microbes and mycos regularly than you dont have to worry about ph as the beneficials make the nutrients available through their symbiotic relationship with the roots. Anyway thats what ive read and thats what im trying, ill let you know how it goes!
In trying my hand at using beneficials to make my nutrients available to the plants but i stil check my ph and by pure luck when im done making my nutrients they ar almost always where they should be anyway. I know my soil ph is alittle high likes to hang around 7ish and molasses drops the ph of my nutrient solution like crazy somewhere around low 5s so ive been lucky. If you are doing hydro ph is everything. But if youre having trouble with ph’ing nutrients all the time and wild fluctuations, check out living soil organics and beneficial fungi and bacteria, supposedly if you colonize your rootzo e well and feed the micros microbes and mycos regularly than you dont have to worry about ph as the beneficials make the nutrients available through their symbiotic relationship with the roots. Anyway thats what ive read and thats what im trying, ill let you know how it goes!
But you have to admit man, Rootzo is the coolest name for a pet I have heard in a long time. I'll steal that for my Lizard. Thank you.
When the soil is so dead and sucked out you are actually growing hydroponically using dirt as a substrate. Then you need to have your pH in check. Cuz you now runnin hydro 💦