Recently saw an episode of uncharted with gordon ramsey and he was in florida or somewhere and went out on a fishing boat to catch lunch and the captain told him they were fishing for roaches cuz they call the rock lobsters there the cockroaches of the sea….or some shit like that! Details may be a little wonky as i was definitely stoned when i watched it!
…… if you’re allergic to shellfish, you’re also allergic to cockroaches…. :pass:
Well since I’ve had some issues trimming and was looking for an easier way to get the task done I’ve got Trim Daddy products on the way for next time. Between all my carpal tunnel surgeries that didn’t work still loose feeling in my hands, recent both rotator cuff surgeries and I can’t sit for long periods of time with my spine issues so now trimming takes me a lot longer. I’ve tried the trim bowls which made quick work of you didn’t overload the bowl, just the normal snips wet trimming, hang drying with using the TrimBag that you shake but lots of times it beats the crap out of your buds. So hopefully this will be what I’m looking for. @St. Tom has a set that I seen used and have linked a video at the bottom. I know they will be having a sale during Amazon Prime days 16th-17th with 20-40% off on their products.

Wife brought home some corn on the cob and there was a sale .99 cents/lb on the boneless skinless chicken breast. So we marinate the breasts with Italian dressing herbs. I trim down the corn but leave husks on so they steam, takes about half hour keeping my grill around 350-375f rotating them when I flip the chicken.
…… if you’re allergic to shellfish, you’re also allergic to cockroaches…. :pass:
I don't believe you but I ain't allergic to shellfish and really hate roaches in the house. I will leave the testing of them up to you.