My lady friend left me a package of edibles. 200 mg each, 10 gummies in the bag.

10-20 mg is a great "let's feel high but still get things done" dose.
50 mg is generally where someone is tucking me in.
100 mg and I'm going to wake up in the morning to a cock and balls drawn on my face with marker and every unopened bag of chips in the house is now unexplainably opened.
200 mg? Ludicrous speed.
My lady friend left me a package of edibles. 200 mg each, 10 gummies in the bag.

10-20 mg is a great "let's feel high but still get things done" dose.
50 mg is generally where someone is tucking me in.
100 mg and I'm going to wake up in the morning to a cock and balls drawn on my face with marker and every unopened bag of chips in the house is now unexplainably opened.
200 mg? Ludicrous speed.
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